Saturday, August 31, 2019
Virtual Management for Accenture
Q. 1 What are the advantages of working in a enviornment like the one created by accenture? Ans1: What are the disadvantage? Ans. Advantages of working in avirtual environment is useful to business organisations as it helps them in following ways:1) virtual environment helps develop and improve the performance of the organisations. 2) operating virtually helps them to gather and share information easily even when they are far from each other. 3) virtual environment helps make decisions quickly and reliable. 4) easy access to global conferences. 5) helps in reducing overhead expenses. Disadvantages:1) face to face interaction is not possible.2) may require heavy cost of, to maintain information system. 3) if system fails then working of the organisation also fails which leads to many inconveniences. Q:2 would you like to work in a company like Accenture? Why or Why not? explain your answer. Ans 2 :Yes, I would like to work in a company like Accenture. Because Accenture people are some of the most creative, forward-thinking people in the business world. They come from a wide range of cultural, educational and geographic backgrounds and are able to work in a dynamic and professional environment that values each person’s perspective.The different points of view they bring lead to superior business solutions for Accenture and our clients. We proactively capitalize on business and technology opportunities that enable higher levels of performance. Q. 3 What kinds of companies could benefit from being run virtually like Accenture? Could all companies be run virtually like Accenture? Ans 3: Companies whose major part of their working depends uponoutsourcing, who has workforce diversity and companies who provide their customers value based quality services with shared knowledge through internet would be benefited.No, all companies can't be run virtually like Accenture as this is not an easy thing to do. It requires a good co-odination between the employees heavy i nstallation cost of information system etc. which might be difficult for many organization to implement with. Q. 4 According to Accenture, how does information technology help create high-performance organization? Ans: Accenture research indicates that high-performance businesses view IT as a strategic assetâ€â€a source of both operational excellence and competitive advantage.Our Strategic IT Effectiveness (SITE) experts help top management adopt that mindset and achieve greater business value from IT. We have a clear perspective: IT is not merely a cost but a critical contributor to the business, focused on improving business value and performance. Our professionals are experienced with bold, value-creating approaches to IT, bringing boardroom-relevant criteria to IT investments and helping high-performance businesses to â€Å"think bigger†about IT's ability to improve operating results Virtual Management for Accenture Q. 1 What are the advantages of working in a enviornment like the one created by accenture? Ans1: What are the disadvantage? Ans. Advantages of working in avirtual environment is useful to business organisations as it helps them in following ways:1) virtual environment helps develop and improve the performance of the organisations. 2) operating virtually helps them to gather and share information easily even when they are far from each other. 3) virtual environment helps make decisions quickly and reliable. 4) easy access to global conferences. 5) helps in reducing overhead expenses. Disadvantages:1) face to face interaction is not possible.2) may require heavy cost of, to maintain information system. 3) if system fails then working of the organisation also fails which leads to many inconveniences. Q:2 would you like to work in a company like Accenture? Why or Why not? explain your answer. Ans 2 :Yes, I would like to work in a company like Accenture. Because Accenture people are some of the most creative, forward-thinking people in the business world. They come from a wide range of cultural, educational and geographic backgrounds and are able to work in a dynamic and professional environment that values each person’s perspective.The different points of view they bring lead to superior business solutions for Accenture and our clients. We proactively capitalize on business and technology opportunities that enable higher levels of performance. Q. 3 What kinds of companies could benefit from being run virtually like Accenture? Could all companies be run virtually like Accenture? Ans 3: Companies whose major part of their working depends uponoutsourcing, who has workforce diversity and companies who provide their customers value based quality services with shared knowledge through internet would be benefited.No, all companies can't be run virtually like Accenture as this is not an easy thing to do. It requires a good co-odination between the employees heavy i nstallation cost of information system etc. which might be difficult for many organization to implement with. Q. 4 According to Accenture, how does information technology help create high-performance organization? Ans: Accenture research indicates that high-performance businesses view IT as a strategic assetâ€â€a source of both operational excellence and competitive advantage.Our Strategic IT Effectiveness (SITE) experts help top management adopt that mindset and achieve greater business value from IT. We have a clear perspective: IT is not merely a cost but a critical contributor to the business, focused on improving business value and performance. Our professionals are experienced with bold, value-creating approaches to IT, bringing boardroom-relevant criteria to IT investments and helping high-performance businesses to â€Å"think bigger†about IT's ability to improve operating results
Friday, August 30, 2019
The CPD Certification Service
2.8.1 AnalysisThis cycle implies that CPD should arise from a need analysis which could be taken care of during the need identification. Analysis is the process of identifying priorities in the way by assessing what has been done effectively and what we went to improve for the coming in our institution with cooperative participation of stakeholders. Similarly we can identify individual needs with assessment of our strengths and weakness prioritizing them in the order high achievement performed in short period of time comes first. When we identify the school need questioner is distributed for stakeholders and gathered the response of questioners. This activity includes self assessment, peer review, annual appraisal, and selection of school CPD priorities by the school based CPD stake holders: the principals, CPD facilitators, teachers, department heads, head teachers and Woreda or zone experts (MoE, 2009 ). Thus, any CPD plan should be based on certain evidence than proposing it based on common sense or on no ground.2.8.2. PlanningPlanning is part of the school based CPD cycle, which is developed annually by the CPD stakeholders of every educational institution preceded by prioritizing the issue identified by the analysis process. Once the development need has been identified, a programme, specifically designed to meet that need, can be prepared (Dejenie Nigussie 2013). The CPD plan can be prepared individually or institutionally with details of events and timings set up in the CPD module (MoE, 2009). Individual CPD plan is developed annually based on the priorities of the individual teacher and institution. After individual annual CPD action plan is approved by principals it will kept in the teacher's professional portfolio and used as a guide for the type of information and evidence collected during the year (Desalegn, 2010). Each institution should develop an annual CPD plan on the bases of the issues identified by the need analysis process.2.8.3 DoingDoing is one part of the stapes of CPD cycle. Once we have already plan what, when and how to be do in the planning process, applying what we have already written in the plan become the next activity. Effective implementation of the planned activities highly determines the achievement of CPD goal. Some of the â€Å"Do†cycle activities include: curriculum meetings, demonstration lessons, planning lessons together, peer observation, observation of lessons and feedback, observation of students in lessons, talking to students, assessment of students work before and after the CPD activity, marking of students work, giving feedback and advice for development, and investigating a teacher action research, professional reading and research, visiting schools and teachers to see examples of good practices, sharing showing good practices within a school, maintaining
Thursday, August 29, 2019
English Literature-Bluffing, Gail Helgason
Bluffing- Gail Helgason By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan Author of: Language and writing, DSB Publication Thimphu Communicative English, P. K. Books, Calicut A perception on Literary Criticism, P. K. Books, Calicut Flashback: A term which is probably from the cinema and which is now also used to describe any scene or episode in a play,novel, story or poem which is inserted to show events that happened in an earlier time. It is frequently used in modern fiction. Flashback in the story.Medicinal smell reminds homemade solution. Waiting in the hospital- she remembers the morning three weeks ago. When she sees Merlin- she remembers how she taught Liam to spot wildlife. Foreshadowing: The technique of arranging events and in formations ina narrative in such a way that later events are prepared for or shadowed forth beforehand. The end is contained in the beginning and this gives structural and thematic unity. It refers to plot technique in which a writer plans clues that hints at what is going to happen later in the plot . Similar essay: Unknown Woman by Rabindranath TagoreForeshadowing is used to arouse the reader’s curiosity,build suspense and help prepare the reader to accept events that occur later in the society. Fore Shadowing -She is running to Jasper hospital but we don’t know why –arouse curiosity to read further to know more. -The expensive trade mark-the word expensive is used to let the readers know in the later part of the story that he is extravagant and spends all his money. -That wasn’t the same as telling the whole story-it gives us a clue that there is some story which we will come to know later. Contemporary story, languagemodern, charactersrealistic, third person limited. -Five scenes- alternate from present to past. -Present- Gabriella is running in the pavement and is waiting to see Liam in the hospital. -Past- the scenes set three weeks earlier at a remote lake. Theme- Commitment Third person limited- The point of view is limited to Gabriella and anyth ing known about Liam is filtered through Gabriella’s perceptions. Bluffing means try to deceive somebody by pretending to be stronger, braver, clever, loving etc. Than one really is (pretending -Chambers Dictionary) Setting JasperHospital and Jasper National Park. Conflict Internal- Person V/S Person (Gabriella V/S Gabriella). External-Gabriella V/S Liam. The couple V/S Nature. Liam He is anegoist (not want to learn from other people) He is jealous (Clive) as he was not invited for a big expedition. Extravagant- in spending all his money to buy boots, jacketsetc,(outdoor gear) Ambitious- wants to see his pictures in the glossy Magazines. Clever and selfish- trick the two young men. Jolly type Very determined, serious, silent and not trustable(in the face of great danger he ran away).Lacks dedication and sincerity and commitment in life. Gabriella Gabriella was not sure- why Liam ran away, whether to save her or himself. Gabriella failed to understand Liam. Oneminute he behave s like a stranger-does not care anything,another minute he surprises her through surprising small deceitsor sometime extravagant gestures. Gabriella’s dream gets shattered. Very sincere, committedand a dedicated wife. A biology teacher. She is very clever and resourceful. In front of the grizzly, she exhibits her presence of mind and courage. She is very practical minded and good at bluffing.By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan Liam -On the other hand not committed in the beginning. -He is careless and carefree. -Always away from her. -Does not show his feelings and affections. -He does not spell out his feelings. Gabriella Gabriella plans to break her commitment and may leave him (they may separate which will result in loss of faith and loss of love for Liam). Gabriella feels – Liam will be a great burden (wounded Liam). Gabriella thought- just to stay for the rest of the afternoon.Gabriella/Liam -Two different persons having two different characters. – In the beginning Gabriella is very much committed to Liam and their relation. -She always finds a way so that they can be together. -She takes care of him and always worries about uncertainty in their commitment. But at the end -She sees his distorted face. -She charges and backs off from the commitment (even if she knew that his condition is due to his love towards her). -He sacrifices his life for her. Gabriella cannot be trusted. -When Liam-strong, healthy, smart and capable-she seems to be committed. But after the accident-she sees the distorted face and she awares the uselessness of Liam, she breaks the commitment. -When Liam is really in need of her care and support, she backs off. Bluffing Gabriella -She hides her egg sandwiches to make Liam. -Gabriella throws away the cleaning solution given by Liam-another example. -Gabriella getting angry and running away from Jasper park-example of bluffing. By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan -Gabriella’s story of waiting outside the room in hospital for three weeks. -Gabriella stretches her lips when she sees the wound- another example of bluffing. Though Gabriella cannot stand and she sees Liam’s horrific scared face, she sits there and smiles. -May be in heart of heart she might have expected Liam to come forward and save her from the Grizzly. But he runs away without telling even a word. Liam The food items Liam carries and hides. Liam’s bluffing to the teenagers-telling the story of Grizzly and elk carcass. He says the reasons for his running away-he said just to save her life but he wanted to save his life only. By P. Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English, Sherubtse college, Bhutan **************************************
Sodastream Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sodastream - Case Study Example The key strategic issue facing SodaStream involves its North American market. The organization has to find a way of increasing its market share in the United States. Although the American market has a $40 billion home consumption market, the organization had only achieved $7 million in sales in 2008 (Subramanian 7). In order to penetrate the American market, it needs to fight established brands such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi. In addition, it must build an emotional connection with the American consumers. Achieving this would be a challenge because Americans have a significantly lower interest in the environment than the European consumers do. SodaStream believes that the fact that it does not use cans or bottles makes it more environmentally friendly than its competitors. The strategy would face a challenge in the American market since people love buying canned and bottled soda. Furthermore, it has to generate $1 billion in revenue by 2016 in an economy where its competitors are experie ncing sharp declines in revenue growth (8). The demand for Soda has been falling consistently over the past five years (IBIS). Consequently, growing its operation in the United States will be a significant challenge. SodaStream can address the key strategic issue by adopting one of the following strategies. Firstly, it needs to launch an aggressive marketing campaign. Although environmental awareness in the United States is low, an increasing segment of the population would be loyal to a brand that helps to make the world cleaner. In addition, it should leverage the close ties between America and Israel to connect with Americans. The two countries share a rich history. Secondly, it can commence an aggressive campaign against Coca-Cola. The strategy will give the company visibility. American culture celebrates the underdog and the company could benefit from this strategy. Third, the brand can focus on the home market. The marketing campaign
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Forms of Business Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Forms of Business Organizations - Essay Example These characteristics of the sole proprietorship distinguish it from a corporation and a limited liability company. A sole proprietor, for example, owns and manages a sole proprietorship, a feature that is different from observations in corporations and limited liability companies. More than one person, for example, owns a corporation or a limited liability company. These owners are called shareholders while the owner of a sole proprietorship is called the sole proprietor. Board of directors who are distinct from the businesses’ owners manages corporations while limited liability companies’ management is flexible. Another difference between the three forms of businesses is the owners’ liability over the organizations’ debts. While a sole proprietor is liable for all of the business’ liabilities, corporations and limited liability companies’ owners have limited liabilities that are restricted to their share contributions. Another difference be tween the forms of business organizations is the legal requirements to which they are subjected. While a sole proprietorship only requires the filing of the enterprise’s name, corporation, and limited liability companies must be registered. The organizations’ tax liabilities are also treated differently. While a sole proprietorship is taxed as a natural person through the proprietor’s income, a limited liability company is taxed at the business organization’s level while a corporation’s taxation involves a double taxation in which the organization’s earnings are taxed and shareholders are taxed on their dividends. The organizations also differ in their structural requirements.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Knowledge Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Knowledge Management - Assignment Example Reflectively, after the release of the first I-phone, Blackberry’s management aimed at creating touch screen ‘I-phone killer’ contrary to keypad phones which the company had specialized in and was best known for. Some of the front-line persons in the management were not of the idea and they disagreed saying that the company should produce a more advanced keypad phone and layback on creating the touch screen; for the sake of the company’s reputation and its customers. However, the idea was insisted on, and hence came the Blackberry z10 phone; unfortunately, this was after some of the Co-CEOs opposing the notion to the extent of even quitting the board. The Blackberry z10 was on top of the list for most disastrous products that the company had ever produced and manufactured; primarily, because of a massive write down of Z10 phones that sat, unsold and unwanted, about eight months after they first hit the market (Sean 2013). The outcome resulted to a lot of losses i.e. 965 million dollar loss, cut-off of over 45,000 jobs (forty percent of the company’s work force). Basically, the company took a downfall due to the ignorance of the need for knowledge in the field of technology by its management faculty; moreover, the company experienced a cultural problem with some of them proposing a keypad enhanced mobile phone (simply because it did well with corporate customers) and others the touch screen, despite the company’s lack of adequate knowledge in the area (Justine 2014). On the other hand, the Apple Company, during this time was experiencing a totally different occurrence. Since the release of the first I-phone the company has been excelling in every I-phone release altogether with great sales and a lot of support from its customers. According to a research, the company has able to succeed due to a number of reasons: ignoring their critics, turning the ordinary into something beautiful (through the knowledge of
Monday, August 26, 2019
African history- railway strike in west French Africa Essay
African history- railway strike in west French Africa - Essay Example African nations have a dynamic history in the events of their colonial periods. Respective nations in Africa were under the rule of diverse colonialist nations. For instance, most of the West African nations were colonized by France. In most cases, the colonial regimes had predetermined capitalist interests. Therefore, they exploited Africans for cheap access of resources. West African was under the colonial regime of France. The colonial period in this region had significant historical events that defined the conflicting relationship amongst the French colonialists and the African natives. These significant events were documented by diverse scholars. Ousmane Sembene and Frederick Cooper were key writers that recorded the colonial events in West Africa. Sembene’s and Cooper’s literal productions have both similarities and differences. Similarities As denoted previously, the literal productions by Sembene and Cooper possess significant similarities. These documents are s imilar through their exploration of conflict and disharmonious interests of the French colonialists and the West Africa natives. Sembene produced his literal record of the colonial events in the form of a novel. He therefore inserts fictional characters and settings of the factual event in the colonial periods of West Africa. Through his text, Sembene explores the major conflict between the colonialists and the West African natives in diverse ways. Sembene defines the ramifications of a previous strike through the flashback of the character Naikoro1. She grieves in pain upon the consideration of her loss of her husband and the disappearance of her son. This flashback by old Naikoro portrays a heated conflict and antagonism that existed between the colonialists and the West African natives2. It is therefore evident that the native Africans had perceived the need for freedom long before the railway strike in 1947. They had premeditated the move of a strike in reference to the existent conflict with the interests of the French regime. In the event of the flashback, Naikoro becomes agitated by Bakayoko’s step-daughter. She had spoken French and Naikoro was irritated by this fact3. This tendency demonstrated by the character represented the resentment that native Africans had against the French regime. Cooper also demonstrated the conflict amongst the larger groups of West African natives and the French colonialists. Cooper produced an analysis of the events in colonial and post-colonial West Africa. His literal record of the events is factual and non-fictional. This article gives a comprehensive account and analysis of the events of the railway strike. It also factors in the eventualities of the railway strike in 1947. Cooper defines the strike as a result of the strong integration amongst the African communities4. The railway strike lasted for approximately five months and it was planned from the community level amongst the West African natives. This artic le therefore defines the West African communities as cohesive for the purpose of freedom attainment. Members of diverse communities reached a concrete agreement of paralyzing the railway operations. Therefore, this is an evident reflection of conflict and antagonism amongst the African natives and the French regime. The conflict is defined through the premeditation of West African communities to launch a railway strike in the quest for equality and freedom5. Sembene and Cooper present a growing trend of the rivalry between the French colonialists and the West African natives. They are in a conflict that tends to grow in the progression of time. This is a tendency that is described by both writers within their
Sunday, August 25, 2019
School based occupational therapy interventions in handwriting for Essay
School based occupational therapy interventions in handwriting for kindergarten and key stage one children - Essay Example Occupà °tionà °l therà °pists view the occupà °tionà °l performà °nce of children to be self-cà °re, work, à °nd plà °y à °ctivities. One common à °cà °demic à °ctivity is writing, required when children à °nd à °dolescents compose stories, complete written exà °minà °tions (Benbow, Hà °nft, & Mà °rsh, 2002), copy numbers for cà °lculà °tions (Hà °gin, 1983), dictà °te telephone messà °ges à °nd numbers à °t home, à °nd write messà °ges to friends à °nd fà °mily members (à mundson, 1998). The functionà °l skill of hà °ndwriting supports the à °cà °demic tà °sk of writing à °nd à °llows students to convey writ ten informà °tion legibly à °nd efficiently, while à °ccomplishing written school à °ssignments in à ° timely mà °nner. Hà °ndwriting consumes much of à ° students school dà °y. McHà °le à °nd Cermà °k (2002) exà °mined the à °mount of time à °llocà °ted to fine-motor à °ctivities à °nd the type of fine-motor à °ctivities thà °t school-à °ged children were expected to perform in the clà °ssroom. In their study of six clà °sses, consisting of two clà °sses from grà °des 2, 4, à °nd 6 in middle-income public schools, they found thà °t 31% to 60% of the childrens school dà °y consisted of fine-motor à °ctivities. Of those fine-motor tà °sks, 85% of the time consisted of pà °per à °nd pencil tà °sks, indicà °ting thà °t students mà °y possibly spend up to one quà °rter to one hà °lf of their clà °ssroom time engà °ged in pà °per à °nd pencil tà °sks. Occupà °tionà °l therà °pists à °re frequently à °sked to evà °luà °te hà °ndwriting when it interferes with à ° students performà °nce of written à °ssignments. In fà °ct, poor hà °ndwriting is one of the most common reà °sons for referring school-à °ged children for occupà °tionà °l therà °py (Cermà °k, 1991; Chà °ndler, 1994; Oliver, 2002; Reismà °n, 1991). The role of the occupà °tionà °l therà °pist is to view the students performà °nce, in this cà °se hà °ndwriting, by focusing on the interà °ction of the student, the school environment, à °nd
Saturday, August 24, 2019
HR management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
HR management - Essay Example The human resource function is centralized but adequate scope for accommodating local needs and environmental pressures is present. Recruitment and selection is based on local market needs and product offerings in accordance with the policies of the Delegates. Training, development, reward and performance appraisal, and employee engagement initiatives at branches are also designed locally but in accordance with the broad policy shaped by the Delegates. The Press should grant greater autonomy to branches so that the HR function can be more responsive to urgent international pressures. Campbell, C. (2013). Nelson Thornes could make up to 50 redundancies before Christmas. [Online]. Available at: Retrieved on 2 August 2014. 14 The Guardian. (2012). Oxford University Press fined  £1.9m over bribery by African subsidiary firms. [Online]. Available at: Retrieved on 2 August 2014. 15 The multinational organisation selected for this analysis is the Oxford University Press. The OUP is the largest and one of the oldest university presses in the world and has been publishing scholarly works since 1478 (OUP, 2014). The international growth and expansion of the press began with the establishment of the first international office in New York in 1896 and in Canada in 1904. The OUP serves a global market serving 100 countries with offices in 50 countries of the world. In response to globalization, the Press is following a product development strategy where technology-enabled educational materials are being developed for culturally and linguistically diverse markets around the world. The most recent version of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary was
Friday, August 23, 2019
Necrotizing Fasciitis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Necrotizing Fasciitis - Essay Example He was working at the Hotel Dieu located in Lyon, and described a condition that has similar symptoms to the current descriptions of NF (Misiakos, et al, 1). During the 19th and 20th centuries, cases of NF were rare. It was mainly restricted to military hospitals, although civilian outbreaks were also recorded. However, during the mid 1980s and early 1990s, there was an increase in NF cases worldwide, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As of 1999, 600 cases of this disease were reported in the United States. Currently, the number of cases of this disease is 0.4 cases for every 100000 people every year. The incidence rate in children is put at 0.08 cases for every 100000 children every year. In the United States, it is estimated that between 9000 and 11500 cases of NF occur annually with close to 2000 deaths very year. in general, the prevalence of NF is put at 0.4 cases for every 100000 people (Misiakos, et al, 2). Statistics show that the disease mostly affects men compared to women, standing at a ratio of 3:1 (Misiakos, et al, 2). Research has demonstrated that the high prevalence rates in men are as a result of the higher cases of Fournier’s gangrene in men. The mortality rate remains high, standing at between 20 and 40 per cent. It is difficult to give the exact recent case of the disease. However, in America, the recent reported case occurred in February 2014. This was reported in the article by Jackie Farwell (2014) appearing in the Bangor Daily News. The victim was an 18-year old Benjamin LaMontagne from Maine. In general, it is difficult for the CDC and other health organizations to keep track of the occurrences of this disease. As noted in the article b y Farwell (2014), the CDC recognizes that there are many cases of NF that go unreported or undetected, and this makes it difficult to give
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Falcon-Star Software Essay Example for Free
Falcon-Star Software Essay Falcon-Star Software is newly established Software Company which came into existence in 1994. It has offices in both Washington and Canada. The company is based on providing web based solutions to its customers worldwide. It aims to fulfill all our customers’ software based and customized application based needs. Our mission is to provide quality service to our customers who need our help for their businesses at reasonable rates and provide them the best solutions that will solve their problems for a extensive period of time. At the moment we have two offices to develop our software, our main competitors are also situated close to us and also across the globe, therefore we have to be much focused and plan our strategies accordingly else we can run out of business. Our company is divided into three main departments of information systems group, provisioning services Group, and manager of customer Service. Each department has its own set of directors under whom each of the heads of the departments and managers will be functioning. Since our organization is new we don’t have too many departments that is why each person will be doing multiple roles at the same time. You will be answerable to the CEO who will be there to over look your work and help you with your decisions. (Robbins Judge, 2005) Since we are in the initial stages of our business therefore we all need to work as one team and plan things ahead so that we can reduce the mishaps that can occur in future. As the manger of our departments I expect you all to be very clear of the mission of this company and based on that you define and identify your goals. This would include strategic planning and staff planning. Your senior managers are going to establish the over all objectives for the company and its your job to turn them into tactical objectives and make your less seniors workers understand them. (Fleming, 2005) Leadership is an important part of becoming a successful manager. It is your ability to lead other people so that they look up to you, trust you and therefore give in their best. It is your responsibility to take care of your sub ordinates who will be helping you with your work. Motivation is an important part of leadership. You need to keep your employees intact with the goal of the company. Make them understand their importance to this company. Employees are one of the greatest assets of a company and we don’t want to lose this asset. (Employee Engagement – A Concept Clean Up) As a manager you are responsible to look into all the matters that are under your control. In order to make things works in a systematic way you will have do organize your team of workers, time and resources in the most efficient manner. It is not about giving instructions only. You need the right kind of people to work under you and delegate responsibility to them . There should be clear division of work. And each department is accountable for its outcome but they all should work for one common vision. Well planned and organized work is a sign of good management and that is what we want our managers to be like at Falcon-Star Software. It is your duty to measure the performance of your department and your employees by comparing it against the targets that you had set for your self and if there are any shortcoming you need to over come that by taking appropriate corrective actions. This will help you in not repeating the same mistake again and learn more from the past experience. As it is said by Hertzberg that giving feed back is very important if things are going the way you wanted them to be. (Echols, 2005) Apart from them you are responsible for coordination between your different activities. The goals of each department should be the same. Try to avoid situations which would end up wasting resources, money and effort. Our aim is to give our customers the best developed software to fulfill their requirement. Communicate with your staff and encourage them. Failure to keep satisfied employees can adversely affect the business. Different managers have different ways of approaching problems. You can choose your own ways of doing work as long as it’s giving us result. You should understand your role and what we want from you at work. You have to plan, organize, control, communicate, and lead the organization and its employees. Our focus is our customers. We together have to work as a team so that our goal is met and we are able to compete with our competitors successfully. For that we require efforts from every individual however, the role of a manager in a company is versatile. They give fuel to the organization. Its now on your ability and work and commitment and how you undertake pressure. (Echols, 2005) Works Cited †¢ Fleming, John H. (November 2005). Where Employee Engagement Happens. Harvard Business Review †¢ Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge (2005). Organizational Behavior, Twelfth edition: Pearsons Publishers †¢ Employee Engagement – A Concept Clean Up. bsiconsulting, Retrieved June 26, 2008, from http://bsiconsulting. com. au/pdfs/Engagement%20Clean%20Up%2003. pdf
The Awakening Essay Example for Free
The Awakening Essay Kate Chopin wrote for a reason and with a sense of passion and desire. She lived the way she wanted to and wrote what she felt, thought, and wanted to say. Kate wrote for many years and her popularity was extreme until critical disapproval of her novel, The Awakening, a story that portrayed women’s desires of independence and control of their own sexuality. Most men condemned this story, while women applauded her for it. Kate wrote with a sense of realism and naturalism and she created a voice that is unique and unmatched. The voice gave a view of the female role in society and contributed to the beginning of the later feminist movements. In 1915, Fred Lewis Pattee wrote, some of Chopins work is equal to the best that has been produced in France or even in America. She displayed what may be described as a native aptitude for narration amounting almost to genius (qtd. in Amazon. com â€Å"About the Author†). Kate Chopin was a 19th century American author who cared about women and their rights. She was a bold writer who had a huge impact on how the world should treat women. On February 8, 1851, Katherine O’Flaherty was born in St. Louis, Missouri. Kate was born to the parents of Thomas O’Flaherty and Eliza Faris. Her father was a wealthy Irish immigrant and a successful businessman. Sadly, Kate’s father died in a railway accident when she was only four years old. Kate’s childhood was influenced mostly by her mother and great-grandmother. Kate spent much time with her family’s Creole and mulatto slaves, becoming familiar with their dialects. She attended Sacred Heart convent where she was a very poor student, but an avid reader. At the age of eleven Kate’s great-grandmother as well as her half-brother died. These two deaths caused Kate to seclude herself in the family attic to study more books (Authors and Artists par. 5). Kate’s schooling was irregular and she herself attributed her education more to her reading, than to the education she received at the Sacred Heart convent. At the age of seventeen she graduated with a passion for literature and storytelling. She spent two years as a belle in St. Louis society becoming aware of feminist social issues (World Biography par. 2). â€Å"She began to smoke cigarettes and wrote a feminist fable, ‘Emancipation. She read and admired the works of Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, George Eliot, and George Sand†(qtd, in Bloom 10). Kate preferred to spend time alone reading instead of attending socials all night. Although Kate spent a lot of time reading by herself, it did not stop her from writing what she saw in the world around her. In June 1870, Kate married a cotton trader and Creole named Oscar Chopin. Together they moved to New Orleans. While Oscar worked as a cotton factor and began handling sales, finances, and supplies for other plantation owners, Kate lived her care-free life (Authors and Artists par.7). Kate began to write about what she saw. She adopted two strange habits for women; smoking cigarettes and walking unaccompanied through the city. Kate took on the demanding social and domestic schedule of a Southern aristocrat. These memories would later serve as material for her short stories (World Biography par. 2). In 1880 Kate and her family were forced to moves to her father-in-law’s home in Cloutierville, Louisiana’s Red River bayou region. Here they became active members of the Creole community. Sadly in 1883 Oscar died of swamp fever, forcing Kate to take over. Kate came in contact with every part of the community, including the French-Acadian, Creole, and mulatto croppers who worked the plantation. These impressions later influenced her fiction (World Biography par. 2). After Oscar’s death Kate found herself stuck having to handle five children while $12,000 dollars in debt. Kate managed to run the family business until 1884 when she moved back to St. Louis. When she returned home she began writing about her life in Louisiana and this is when her career began. Kate settled in with her mother and began to write. Within a year Kate’s mother died and Kate was left in a state of depression. Following the deaths of Oscar and Kate’s mother, Kate was consulted by a doctor. He encouraged Kate to write (World Biography par. 3). Many of Kate’s friends also found her letters entertaining and encouraged her to write short stories. She began to write about the Louisiana past. After being rejected many times Kate got her short stories published in the most popular American periodicals, including America, Vogue, and the Atlantic (World Biography par. 3). Kate’s reputation grew because of her early success with Bayou Folk and A Night in Acadie. Her first novel, At Fault, was published in 1890 in her home city. Nine years later Kate’s first poem, â€Å"If it Might Be,†was published. Kate wrote over one hundred short stories during the 1890s (Bloom 10). Kate was very successful, but she became known only as a local color writer and her qualities were overlooked. This did not stop Kate from writing. Kate wrote only one or two days each week and even then she only wrote in her living room while her children played. Kate also had a salon in St. Louis where she hosted St. Louis celebrities (Authors and Artists par. 15). This is where Kate wrote many articles, short stories and periodicals, including Atlantic Monthly, Criterion, Harper’s Young People, St. Louis Dispatch, and Vogue (Feminist Writers par. 1). Kate’s first collection reflects her skills as a local colorist and center on the loves of the Creoles and Acadians in her Parish. Many of Kate’s stories addressed many themes, including women’s emancipation and marital discord (Authors and Artists par 10). â€Å"Considered one of the foremost Southern regionalist writers, Kate Chopin’s fiction details the culture in which she lived during her childhood and marriage†(qtd. in Feminist Writers par. 2). Kate published her final novel, The Awakening, in 1899. The Awakening is known as her masterpiece and is a seminal work in American feminist fiction. Fiction was Kate’s greatest strength (Authors and Artists par 18). In her stories of Bayou Folk, A Night in Acadie, and The Awakening Kate writes about the sexual, racial, and moral background of polite southern Louisiana life (Feminist Writers par 2). The Awakening received many negative reviews because of the way Kate portrayed women and their desires. With the rejection of A Vocation and a Voice and the harsh reviews of The Awakening Kate’s career slowly began to end. Kate slowly began to abandon her career. After the publication of The Awakening Kate was rejected from certain social circles in St. Louis. She was also later rejected to getting other books published and the criticism caused her writing to slow down (Feminist Writers par. 6). In 1904 Kate became very ill; however, she was still interested in the World’s Fair in St. Louis. After a day of exhaustion Kate collapsed with a cerebral hemorrhage. Two days later, on August 22, 1904, Kate sadly passed away (Authors and Artists par. 23). Today Kate is known through her interpretations of the Creoles in her collections Bayou Folk and A Night in Acadie, and her second novel, The Awakening (American Biography par. 2). It took half a century for people to grasp what Kate Chopin had accomplished with her work. Kate was once just considered an author of local-color fiction. Today she is recognized for her examination of sexuality, individual freedom and the consequences of action (Authors and Artists par.10). Kate was familiar with the newest developments in science and literature, and her aim was to describe man’s â€Å"immutable impulses. †Kate wrote with balance and maturity, showing that women should have the same rights as men. Today Kate’s stories have become favored subjects among women critics. Kate’s work also has been recognized by critics in countries ranging from France to Japan (Authors and Artists par. 25). Because of The Awakening Kate abandoned writing because she faced critical abuse. Today this novel has grown to be respected and recognized as a masterpiece. Today, The Awakening has become required reading for any student studying the history of women’s cultural oppression (Feminist Writers par. 2). Many authors today have helped show that Kate was a significant figure in American fiction, particularly feminist literature (Authors and Artists par. 2). Kate Chopin is known as one of the most important women in 19th century American fiction. Kate grew up in a world where women were seen as very little importance. She wrote to change that. Kate wrote with passion and a sense of realism. She proved to the world around her that women were just as equal to men. Conclusively, Kate Chopin is known to be the first feminist writer and a woman ahead of her time. Even though during her time she was looked down upon for the things she wrote, she is celebrated and acclaimed by people around the world today. Kates writings provided her with the means to live how she wanted-both mentally and physically-rather than play the role society expected of her. Kate Chopin proved to women they had a right to express themselves however they wanted to. This is why Kate is known today as one of the most important women in 19th century American fiction.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Feminism in India
Feminism in India Introduction Gender Equality and Feminism have become growing topics all around the globe during the past half a century, with women organizing and protesting against the stereotypes imposed upon them by the men. Several theories exist about how these stereotypes and inequalities came about, with some people arguing that it is caused by the chauvinistic nature innately present in all human beings, with others rejecting this as a â€Å"lazy†argument to make, and attributing it to more specific causes. In the times of hunter-gatherers, the women occupied an equal status to that of men, and everyone had to contribute in order to survive and bring up the young ones. As agriculture started to appear, along with importance to ownership of land, the patriarchal form of society started dominating the scene, as men were bestowed with the duty to acquire and defend property, and hence the passing down of property down the line of male descendants (patrilineal) became relevant, thus side-lining the women in the society. With the growth of capitalism, the importance of the nuclear family had increased, which required the male to be employed, typically in industries, in order to earn income, and the women would have to stay at home and look after the domestic needs such as cooking, and raising of children, etc. The reason for this was that the main means of production was the modern nuclear family, and so this setup was promoted as the norm in order to maximise market gains and increase efficiency[1]. This effect of capitalism along with the patriarchal nature of most societies is what many argue to be the major reason behind the stigmatization and stereotyping of women as weaker, and restricted to household work. Challenging these notions, feminist movements have been seen in several countries of the world, thereby ensuring that the women in their country had rights and were relatively equal to the men, preventing further social downtrodding of women. Several countries have all owed women to join the army even, with some sending them into combat as well[2], in order to promote gender equality and inspire women to believe in themselves and change the way society looks at women. However, the situation in India is quite different. Gender inequality is rampant here, and nearly in every sphere of life, women are marginalized and oppressed, viewed as mere tools or property possessed by men. India witnesses the second highest amount of gender inequality in all of Asia, second only to the Taliban-ruled Afghanistan[3]. However, some feminist movements have been seen even in India, however their task is much more difficult here due to a vast number of reasons which will be discussed in depth in this project with the help of some interviews of Indian feminist social activists. Methodology The first step I took towards this project was to search for social activists in India who had made contributions to the feminist movement, and identified some feminists out of whom I had picked the interviews of Dr. Vandana Shiva[4], Dr. Sarojini Sahoo[5], Ms. Flavia Agnes[6] and Mrs. Madhu Kishwar[7]. Of these, Dr. Vandana Shiva would be the most prominent activist, who has written several books for the cause of feminism and making the women of India aware of such discrimination, and also won the Fukuoka Prize in 2012[8]. Dr. Sarojini Sahoo is also a well-known activist who has written several books about gender and sexuality, and won the Laadli Media Award in 2011, and her interview offers us the most information regarding the topic, and therefore is the central interview for the purposes of this project. From all the interviews, a few major issues have been identified and then analysed with the help of other sources, and their impact on the society at large is shown. The activist s are generally in agreement with each other, and usually only the main focus of their argument is what changes. I have also identified a handful of interviews of feminists from countries other than India in order to compare them with those of the Indian feminists, and this affirm what is it that makes the feminist movement in India more essential and complicated than in other countries. Core Chapter After going through the interview[9] of Christina Hoff Sommers, a feminist activist from the USA, we can tell that the main focus of the interview is on improving women representation in politics, and mostly to disillusion women from several other schools of feminism which she believes to be false and misleading to the women population at large. This shows that feminism has already successfully granted them basic social equity in the USA. The interview[10] of Perla Vasquez, a feminist from Mexico, has also been identified and analysed. The major issues in this as well mostly comprise of economic and political difficulties faced by women in Mexico. This is in contrast with the stage in India as we can deduce from the 4 interviews analysed for the sake of this project, where the focus is on basic discrimination of women in the social field, and to stop the many forms of injustice suffered by them daily, and in almost every sphere of life. The major points of difference I have identified from these interviews is the basis of patriarchal values and oppression of women being strongly embedded with religious tradition, particularly Hinduism, since the later Vedic period; and the second being the rampant cases of sexual violence against women all around the country. It is this basic factor which makes feminism so much more essential in India, especially the rural places, and the reinforcement of patriarchy in the Hindu tradition, and the fact that a large majority of India is still religious, makes it much more difficult to acquire the goals of social equality and basic dignity for women. Effect of Culture and Traditions In her interview, Sarojini Sahoo states â€Å"At one time in India in the ancient Vedic period there were equal rights between men and women and even feminist law makers like Gargi and Maitreyi. But the later Vedic period polarized the sexes. Males oppressed females and treated them as other or similar to a lower caste.†[11] This statement has been proven to be true, and women had indeed enjoyed a position of equal rights to those of males in the Vedic period, with women being venerated, and the prevalence of several Goddesses and female Deities in the Hindu tradition from that time, further reinforcing their position in society[12]. However, during the time following the Vedic period, the situation of women deteriorated much further down. With the arrival of the Dharma Shastras, the Patriarchal form of society was stressed and promoted, causing the oppression of women in the society. However, most people argue that it is during the time of the Mughals when women in India became truly secluded, although there is evidence of such being practiced as early as during the time of Asoka.[13] The Smritis were another reason which led to the side-lining of women in the later Vedic society, which reflected the legislators’ chauvinistic nature in enforcing traditions and practices which led to the further o ppression and control of women in the society by males, and laws which lacked all notions of equity and justice. These causes led to a solidification of a society where women were treated worse than Shudras (untouchables)[14], suffering several inequalities from the men every day. This has continued for a long time, with practices such as the Dowry system and the system of Sati being followed widely all over India when the British had arrive, and had not declined until the British Empire issued legislations banning the practice of Sati[15], following which it slowly started declining. The dowry system was originally only prevalent in the middle class who actually owned property which they could give away for dowry, but later was adopted even by the poorer sections of society, often resulting in cases where one would give away a lifetime of savings as dowry. It was banned by the Government of India in 1961, by the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, but the practice of dowry is still very much prevalent almost everywhere in India, especially in the villages where the law has little effect. This gives rise to a social horror known as Dowry death, which will be discussed under the next topic. Another issue arising out of traditions is that women are assumed to be weaker, and are made to stay at home and taught how to perform household work such as cooking and cleaning, and are not allowed to take part in most social events. As a result, most parents do not allow their daughters to go to school, and make them stay at home and learn household skills. As a result, while 76% of men are literate in India, only 54% of women are literate[16]. This indicates how much of an effect such traditions and notions can have on a country as a whole. Violence against women One of the major issues discussed by almost every feminist in their interview is dowry death. This is a practice where the bride is killed when her family does not give a large enough dowry. It has in fact been on the increase, seen largely throughout North India[17]. This has caused women to be looked upon as a burden in their family of birth. Sarojini Sahoo has stated the same in her interview, describing how women are usually viewed in society: â€Å"An unmarried daughter seen as a spinster even in her late twenties brings shame upon her parents, and is a burden. But once married, she is considered the property of her in-laws.†[18] This burden leads to wanting a male child over a female one, along with the fact that the Dharma Shastras and other texts of Hindu religion which make a son more desirable than a daughter due to the fact they can inherit, carry on the name, and only a son can perform the last rites of his father/grandfather. This leads to the social practice of female infanticide, which has been on the increase in India. It is basically the act of killing young female children, as their parents want a male child. This has caused the sex ratio to drop in India over the years. India has a child sex ratio of 914:100, as of 2011.[19] Next is the actual physical violence against women, which is very widespread in India compared to all the other nations. India has of late become famous for rape, following the Delhi rape case. A statement from Madhu Kishwar regarding such violence aptly sums up a variety of such problems prevalent in India: â€Å"Another main issue is sexual violence of all kinds, from what goes by the name of â€Å"eve-teasing†, which is a very mild, insulting word used to describe what goes from pinching and rubbing to lewd comments to physical violence, hitting you†¦ Then there is rape of all kinds†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [20] Sexual violence is at its highest in India. Some theorize that this is the backlash of a strong patriarchal society[21] witnessing westernization of women. It is the biggest social issue in all of India, and is the major reason why India needs feminism. The final problem to be discussed is the fact that marital rape is to this day not criminalized in India. The Indian Penal Code has no sanction against this act. The only recourse for the wife is to ask for divorce and leave her husband, but apart from that, there is no punishment meted out to the husband/rapist. Domestic violence also has a separate law which many say is not stringent enough, thus making it prevalent in countless areas of the country. Flavia Agnes addresses the topic in her interview: â€Å"In a society where marriage is the norm, the ultimate power rests with the husband.†To sum up the issue of violence, a statement from Vandana Shiva fits perfectly: â€Å"This violent economic order can only function as a war against people and against the earth, and in that war, the rape against women is a very, very large instrument of war. We see that everywhere. And therefore, we have to have an end to the violence against women.†[22] Conclusion We have seen how the dawn of private ownership of land and property gave rise to the Patriarchal society, pushing women to a side role, and how this was further solidified by the rise of capitalism and its need for the nuclear family and the â€Å"ideal setup†for division of labour. We then discussed how it originated in India, and how the Vedic period originally had great equality for the women in their society, and how that status deteriorated over time due to the Dharma Shastras and the Smritis, giving rise to traditions like dowry and sati. We have seen how these practices came about, the efforts of the government to curb them, and the effectiveness of these laws. We also see how the traditions affected the rate of literacy among girls drastically, and then how dowry leads to murder in several cases, and how this burden then leads to female infanticide, and the culmination of all these oppressive traditions leading to the sexual violence against women due to them being vi ewed as weaker, or as property, and finally how the law even now is quite unfair with regard to women, denying them any just recourse marital rape, despite several protests for the sake of the same. To conclude, we have seen how gender inequality has its own unique points in India, and how it is all the more essential for India to learn feminism, and the higher difficulty of actually bringing about changes in this society. Bibliography JSTOR The Hindu The National Geographic The Times of India Foundation for Sustainable Development The Guardian [1] Systems of Stratification : Gender in Capitalist Society, The Red Phoenix, available atà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ -à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¬gender-in-capitalist-society/ [2] 8 Other Nations That Send Women to Combat, The National Geographic, available at [3] Gender equality in India among worst in world, The Times of India, available at [4] Vandana Shiva on Int’l Women’s Day: Capitalist Patriarchy Has Aggravated Violence Against Women, Democracy Now, available at [5] Feminism in India Conversation with Indian Feminist Sarojini Sahoo, Linda Lowen, available at [6] Feminism in India: violence, trades, Carol Ann Douglas and Alice Henry, available at [7] Feminism in India, Carol Ann Douglas, available at [8] Fukuoka Prize for Vandana Shiva, The Hindu, available at [9] The Future of Feminism: An Interview with Christina Hoff Sommers, Scott London, available at [10] An interview with feminist activist Perla Vasquez, available at [11] Feminism in India Conversation with Indian Feminist Sarojini Sahoo, Linda Lowen, available at [12] Women in Vedic Culture, Stephen Knapp, available at [13] Indian Woman Down the Ages, LR Nair, available at [14] Role of Vedas in Degradation of Status of Women in India, available at [15] Bengal Sati Regulation Act, 1829 [16] Gender Equity Issues in India, Foundation for Sustainable Development, available at [17] Rising number of dowry deaths in India: NCRB, Ignatius Pereira, The Hindu, August 6, 2013, available at [18] Feminism in India Conversation with Indian Feminist Sarojini Sahoo, Linda Lowen, available at [19] India loses 3 million girls in infanticide, The Hindu, [20] Feminism in India, Carol Ann Douglas, available at [21] Sexual violence in India is a patriarchal backlash that must be stopped, Priya Virmani, The Guardian, available at [22] Vandana Shiva on Int’l Women’s Day: Capitalist Patriarchy Has Aggravated Violence Against Women, Democracy Now, available at
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Utopian Thought in William Shakespeare :: Biography Biographies Essays
Although Columbus had discovered the "New World" in 1492, it is interesting to note how relatively uninterested Shakespeare was in the Americas or the western travel that was sweeping Europe. While some Englanders focused their attention and dreams on the uncivilized land in the west, Shakespeare "dreamed and wrote of the old world, of battles long ago, of an ancient story-land already splendid in its braveries and devotions" (Thorndike 110). He has left no evidence that might suggest any interest in the voyagers or the dangers faced on the uncharted oceans of the west, but he knew of the colonization endeavors through leaders such as Southampton, his early patron (110). The disinterest changed, though, when he read of the Sea Adventure shipwreck. In the year 1609, a year before the estimated writing of The Tempest, nine ships set out from England to strengthen John Smith's Virginian colonies. En route, though, one of the ships was carried away from the other during a storm. The lost ship, the Sea-Adventure, had on board the operation commanders, and all of the passengers were presumed to be lost at sea. However, a year later, news reached England that the crew and passengers of the Sea-Adventure had been blown to the coast of a Bermudan island, but they survived and rejoined the party the following year. Stunned English journalists reported many accounts of the shipwreck, and it is from these stories that some historians attribute Shakespeare's initial inspiration for the setting and foundation of The Tempest (Wain 202-203). After the shipwreck and news of the amazing survival, there were numerous
Monday, August 19, 2019
Ernest Hemingway :: Free Essay Writer
Ernest Hemingway could ernest hemingway be considered a tragic figure in contemporary literature? Looking at Ernest Hemingway's past, you'd see that he lived a very tough, strict childhood. He was raised under the thoughts that if you had strong religion, hard work, physical fitness, and self determination you would be very successful no matter what field you were to go into. This made his relationship with his parents sort of complex. It was more of a difficult relationship with his mother. She was demanding, and was also known to be over bearing. She didn't accept Ernest as being a boy, so she frequently would treat him as a female baby doll and dress him as one as well. He didn't have the 'ideal' childhood as normally wanted. I believe his mother not fostering that proper bond she should have made with him caused him to be unsure of himself. This could possibly be a cause to his depression. An example of the mental torture he was put through with his mother was on his birthday. For his birthday, after he was moved out, his mother sent him a 'present.' She mailed him a cake, th e gun that his father had used to kill himself, along with a letter. The letter explained that a mothers life was like a bank. 'Every child that is born... enters the world with a large and prosperous bank account, seemingly inexhaustible.' She continued in the letter that he should replenish what he has withdrawn, and wrote out all the specific ways in which Ernest should be making 'deposits to keep the account in good standing.' His mother could be perceived as androgynous, which means having both female and male type qualities or even personalities. In a few of the books Hemingway wrote, he gives someone the impression that he hated his mother. He referred to her as a 'dominating shrew,' meaning she was selfish and only thought of herself. His mother considered herself pure and proper, and became very upset when anything 'disturbed' her view of the world as beautiful. Anything painful, or disgusting, she thought was not lady like. His childhood was very difficult and it stuck wit h him through-out his adult hood. Ernest never forgave his mother for humiliating him in front of the town. As an adult, Hemingway didn't have it easy either. He lived a sort of rejected adulthood. When he was younger he dreamed of being a boxer.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Alzheimers Disease Essay -- Alzheimers Disease Essays
â€Å"Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that gets worse over time. It leads to nerve cell death, and tissue loss throughout the brain. Over time, the brain shrinks dramatically, affecting nearly all its functions. It gradually destroys a person's memory and ability to learn and carry out daily activities such as talking, eating, and going to the bathroom†(What Is Alzheimer’s). Early symptoms include personality changes, memory impairment, problems with language, decision-making ability, judgment, and personality. Alzheimer’s was named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer. In 1906, Dr. Alzheimer noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who died of an unusual mental illness. After she died, he examined her and found plaques and tangles in her brain which are the two main features of Alzheimer’s. â€Å"Patients with Alzheimer’s often die earlier than normal, although a patient may live anywhere from 3-20 years after diagnosis.†Death often occurs from an infection or a failure of other body systems. â€Å"Early diagnosis relies largely on documenting mental decline. Biomarkers are reliable predictors and indicators of a disease process.†Alzheimer’s begins as early as 10 to 20 years before any problems are evident. It develops in your 30s, 40s, 50s, but usually after age 60. As many as 5.1 million Americans may have this disease. â€Å"There is no specific test today that confirms you have Alzheimer’s disease. Your doctor will make a judgment about whether Alzheimer's is the most likely cause of your symptoms based on the information you provide and results of various tests that can help clarify the diagnosis.†Doctors typically rely on physical and neurological exams to check your reflexes and sense of touch and sight, lab t... ... Researchers are looking for new treatments to alter the course of the disease and improve the quality of life for people with dementia. Works Cited 1. "Alzheimer's Disease." 2014. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. . 2. "Alzheimer's Disease." 2014. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. . 3. "Alzheimer's Disease." 2014. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. .. 4. "Alzheimer's Disease." 19 Feb. 2013. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. . 5. Powell, Lenore S. Alzheimer's Disease. New York City, USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1983. Print.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
According to Cormack
As reflected in his painting `Hay Wain`, Constable had naturalist concerns as compared to the more romanticist elements of Turners work, as exemplified in his painting The Slave Ship. Constable made all the efforts towards rebellion against the cultures of the artists in the application of imagination for the purpose of representation of their art in favor of nature.He stresses the need to forget having seen any picture in the process of making a sketch. His studies are based on the spot of action in contrast to following any formula. According to Cormack, â€Å"The world is wide†, no two days are similar, nor even two hours; neither were there ever two leaves of a tree alike since the creation of all the world; and the genuine productions of art, like those of nature, are all distinct from each other.†(Cormack, 2006). In comparison to the work of Turner, he had a less extensive range as well as aspirations. The most suitable definition of Constable is a ‘n aturalist’ which through his correspondence, he has successfully as so. However, the stylistic variety of Constable is marred with instability with regard to the perception of the constituent of nature. Further the sites intimately known to him have been the focus of his paintings.There is no strict uniqueness of the indisputable approach of Constable in as far as the concern of the local scenery is concerned. This is evidenced by the participation of the contemporary artist of the Norwich as well as the conformation to the work of Thomas Christopher, who is an artist of 1777-1843 (Fleming-Williams, 2006). The common practice is the application of oil to sketch from nature.Turner has made his contribution to in the establishment of a landscape to represent a historical painting although he widely disputes the idea. The single mindedness of Constable is responsible for the portrayal of site of limited range in a unique way producing unprecedented oil sketching of a brilliance capacity (Fraser, 2006).On the other hand, Turner has a subjective reflection that surpasses far beyond the romantic contemporaries that he possesses with the capacity to foreshadow an image in dissolution in a painting of the 20th century. According to Bailey, the best description of the work of Turner is â€Å"airy vision painted with tinted steam†(Bailey, 2007).As has been visualized in the Slave Ship in an instance that a description is offered of the sharks following the slave ship in reaction to a storm. The sharks react to the scent crowds that steam due to rank diseases as well as death.There is also an existence of a realistic event involving a slave ship captain dumping human cargo in the sea as result of a disease outbreak below decks. The work of Turner has a clear demonstration of romanticism elements through the employment of disjoint diagonals. The consequence is composition fragmentation (Kelder, 2000).Turner, the terrific creator had the potential for the ap plication of unique invention for the purpose of liberating color from line definition for the purpose of the expression of the natural forces for the purpose of its unity to the stirring response of the artists.This leads to uniting emotions reality to the color reality. Used as an abstract media, the work of Turner was associated with unpredictable effects. This is seen in the nature of ultimate painting element evident in his innovations due to the emotive as well as aesthetic strength of his application of pure color (Leslie, 2005).
Friday, August 16, 2019
A socialist called J. B Priestley Essay
‘An Inspector Calls’ was written by a socialist called J. B Priestley. The play was set in1912 but was written in 1945. The play is a mixture of detective/thriller and a moral mystery play. Priestley was a very strong socialist who believed that community and society were very important: ‘We are responsible for each other’. He wanted people to live equally in a welfare state together. If we don’t we will realise this in ‘fire, blood and anguish’. He made us believe this quote because two world wars had already happened by the time he had written the play. The play was set in 1912 in and Edwardian era many things were happening around this time, The sinking of the Titanic, many strikes, the suffragettes and the build up to World War 1. Priestley uses a lot of dramatic irony most of which comes from Birling’s lines when he says that ‘war is impossible’ we know that he is wrong because war has already happened. In Stephen Daldry’s National Theatre Production the set symbolises the two different aspects of the play: The Edwardian townhouse in Brumley and 1945 in the background. A scene was shown from the Blitz (when Germany kept bombing England continuously). There are sirens going off and there are people dressed in 1940’s clothes and there is the Birling’s Townhouse in the background. When they show 1912 and 1945 it gives a better perspective on the irony for a modern audience. Priestley makes people understand what the world was like before we came. Priestley puts his aim across through the characters especially the inspector because his words and speeches are very dramatic and leaves the other characters thinking about what he said because his lines have a very big impact on them. He also makes the audience feel involved because he makes it relate to something that could happen in real life. His lines also builds up tension between the characters within the family he turns them against one another by making them all believe that each and every one of them are involved with Eva Smith’s death and that they all knew who Eva Smith was. For instance when Sheila finds out the Gerald was having an affair with Eva Smith behind her back because he lies to Sheila and tells her he was working she decides that she doesn’t want to get married to him any more ‘But just in case you forget – or decide not to come back Gerald, I think you’d better take this with you’ Sheila decides to give the ring back to Gerald. The inspectors closing speech makes the characters speechless abut what he has said. Sheila, Gerald and Eric are the only ones who are affected about what the inspector has said. Mr and Mrs Birling are worried about their status and about what people would think of them if they found out what had happened they don’t learn anything at the end of the play even though Sheila tries to explain to them ‘I tell you whoever that inspector was. It was anything but a joke. You knew it then. You began to learn something then. And now you’ve stopped. You’re ready to go on in the same old way’. Mr and Mrs Birling just think that Sheila is being silly.
Mean People vs Nice People
Running head: MEAN PEOPLE VS NICE PEOPLE MEAN PEOPLE VS NICE PEOPLE2 In life there are many emotions that one can think of many people often think of the happier emotions before thinking about the darker side of the emotion wheel. Has one ever wanted to run away from a situation not because of their surroundings but possibly because of the mean people standing in front of them? One way to get away from this situation is to nicely thank them and leave or never show up in the first place to the situation as the people may already understanding that the mean people are like that and do not want to put themselves in that surrounding or situation.The situation is clear that in this world there is nice people and mean people and that people may or may not be wired this way and throughout this, we will discover the true understanding of mean people and of nice people and how to better understand people from these points of view. Can you even imagine that you were only judged by nice or mean and nothing else mattered? Not your personality, not who you were, not all you did for the world or your friends, just if you were nice or mean.Some people find it really hard to be nice or to even play nice, they would rather be themselves and be there mean selves then to even crack a smile or show any sort of friendly nature, they just struggle with it. It is like they were born with DNA that have been given mean genes and not friendly or nice genes and want not â€Å"askmen. com†. There has been a new study about mean people and DNA and how it affect people, but it would not be a fair study without all the nice people in the world, the study with over 348 people.This study made a vivid view of what the researchers were studying and if DNA was a bad component and if it really made a true difference in this study and if DNA was at fault and if it was to blame or if there was other possiblities in life to blame. MEAN PEOPLE VS NICE PEOPLE 3 Can mean people fit in any lifesty le, from working professional, to a college professional, to a college student? Many mean people do not even realize they are mean or just brush it off there shoulders and do not onsider themselves mean but others however consider themselves not nice and consider them mean and sometimes cruel. When this survey came along the people who were asked about being mean had realized not only they were mean but were willing to share there experiences with this product to maybe help others. References askmen. com. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. askmen. com/sports/news/mean-people. html (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://fox6now. com/2012/04/18/new-study-indicates-mean-people-are-born-that-way/
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Philiosophies in Early Childhood Teaching Essay
Formal Writing Assignment: Introduction to Early Childhood Education Instructor: Ecole Morris- University of Montana-Western Goal: to develop a personal teaching philosophy of early childhood education based on research and analysis. Purpose: If someone asked you to explain your philosophy of teaching young children, what would you say? How would you begin to formulate a statement that captures the essence of your belief about teaching and learning? Teacher candidates are increasingly being asked to articulate their philosophy of teaching. This request is often in conjunction with the submission of a teaching portfolio for seeking teaching positions or dossier for promotion and tenure. A teaching philosophy is a statement of reflection about what you will do as a teacher. Your beliefs influence your action. It has been recognized by many teachers that the process of identifying a personal teaching philosophy and continuously examining, testifying, and verifying this philosophy can lead to change of teaching behaviors and ultimately enhance professional and personal growth. Assignment: For this assignment articulate your teaching philosophy in two phases. (100 points) 1. Introduction: at the beginning of the semester, you are required to write a 4-5 page paper. In it, consider the following points: * Why do you want to become an early childhood education teacher? * What type of teaching position do you hope to obtain, and why? * What are your strongest characteristics or talents as a potential early childhood educator? * What are the factors that influence your decision to pursue this career? 2. Areas to emphasize: Use the following questions to help you think about your beliefs regarding teaching young children. It is not necessary to respond to each of these questions in your written philosophy. You may also decide to comment on additional issues as well. Take some time to think about each one in some depth. * How do you view young children? What is the child’s role in his/her education? What do you belief about how young children learn? * What role does family play in your teaching? How will you include them in your classroom? * What are your views on inclusion, how will you include all children in your classroom? * How do you view the role of the teacher? How will your views influence your teaching? * What kind of environment do you hope to create in your future classroom? How does this relate to your basic beliefs about young children and learning? * What do you hope young children will become? What do you want them to achieve, accomplish, learn, feel, etc.? * What kind of feedback will you offer your students as they work? What kind of assessment will you use to be sure that students have met objectives? * Looking back at the history of early childhood education, who or what approaches have the greatest impression on you, and why? General Paper Format Suggestions: * Use present tense, in most cases. Write the paper in first-person (which is the most common and easiest for your audience to read). * Write in language and concepts that can be broadly appreciated. A general rule is that the statement should be written with the audience in mind. It may help to consider a school administrator (e.g. , school principal) as your audience. * Write a paper that will let your audience know where you stand in regard to important educational theories and practices. By including specific examples of teaching theories and approaches, you are able to let your reader take a mental â€Å"peek†of your classroom. * Make the paper memorable and unique. Think of this teaching philosophy as part of a job application where your readers are seeing many of these statements. What is going to set you apart from others? What about you are they going to remember? Create a vivid portrait of yourself as someone who is intentional about teaching and committed to his/her career. * A working draft will be developed and reviewed by a peer during the class. This working draft will be submitted with the final draft. * The personal philosophy paper must be typed, double-spaced, following APA (6th ed. ) guidelines. It must be a minimum of 4 pages not including references or appendices. A minimum of 3 references must be used. No more than 1 of these can be electronic (internet) references. A textbook bibliography can be a goldmine of references to follow up on as well.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Learning Team Deliverable Week 4 Essay
TA-4D) Recessions seem to show up every so often and create economic hardship. One might think that macroeconomic policymakers could tame the business cycle and implement policies that would end recessions. Are recessions a necessary fact of macroeconomic life? If not, what would it take to eliminate them? If they are unavoidable, what types of business can benefit from them? How would a recession affect your firm? Economists identify business fluctuations in the economy by measuring the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) output. This fluctuation of output is called the business cycle. McConnell (2009) states, â€Å"Many economist prefer to talk of business fluctuations rather than cycles because cycles imply regularity while fluctuations do not (p. 984). The business cycle is distinguished by four phases: Peak, Recession, Trough, and Expansion, always starting with the peak (McConnell, 2009). The motion of the business cycle propels with alternating rises and declines in the level of economic activity with each portion varying on duration and intensity. At the peak of the cycle, business activity has reached a temporary maximum. Here the economy is at full employment and the real output is close to the economy’s capacity. With a price level rise during this phase, either resources or consumers will eventually dwindle causing a decrease in output. A decline in total output, income, and employment of the business cycle is called the recession period (McConnell, 2009). During a recession the GDP will decrease, manifesting a notable increase in unemployment which leads to economic hardships in many sectors of the economy. A macroeconomic policymaker could try to keep business activity at an equilibrium by reinforcing a policy framework for businesses to abide by. Examples to the policy framework could include pricing rules, along with having resources available to companies for production. Whatever the details of this policy framework, one still must consider that an expansion leads to recession, and vice versa. It is evitable. So yes, recessions are a necessary fact of macroeconomic life. Consider a farmer with crops in his field and his inability to stop a storm that wipes out his crop, or a business executive with the best business plan who is vulnerable to the fluctuations of the stock market. These examples reinforce that recessions are a necessary fact of macroeconomic life and they are unavoidable. The types of businesses that could benefit from a recession are companies providing nondurable goods or business with a combination of both durable and nondurable goods with the ability to bridge the output until the recession moves back into motion with an expansion. Consumers cannot postpone the buying of nondurables such as food; therefore recessions only slightly reduce nondurable output. The last recession hurt the high end retail optical business moderately because they carry such an expensive product to begin with sales dropped dramatically until people were comfortable with the economic situation again. Our company had to compensate for this decline by laying off over half of the corporate staff, between the periods of October of 2008 through April of 2009. We now operate with half the amount of employees and even though the economy has started to come back the company will not hire any new staff. Other ways the company compensated was forgoing any rate increases for everyone until 2010. Recessions definitely hurt companies that sell durable goods; however, it also forces companies to look how to trim the business and cut costs during the time of a recession. (TA-4C) Deflation has serious economic effects; deflation is the falling of prices, according to National Center for Policy Analysis, 2001) deflation can increase interest rates so the market rate minus the change in price. For example, if the prices fall six percent per year and the nominal interest rate is four percent, the real interest rate will calculate at ten percent. According to National Center for Policy Analysis, 2001) â€Å"Deflation is negative price inflation or a simultaneous fall in a broad range of prices for goods and services†. Deflation will raise current wages and can lead to major layoffs as employers try to reduce costs. Many organizations will need to reduce labor coast and because it is the quickest way to free cash flow layoffs will be the first to be considered. Deflation will also influence consumer spending because people become more conscious when spending creating a decrease in sales for businesses. One comely used method for reducing deflation is influencing the interest rates. The Federal Reserve influences interest rates to help cause the supply of money to change and create movement. When the supply of money changes it reduces major drops in inflation and deflation (Bernanke, 2002). Deflation can affect numerous businesses, for example Citicorp, although Citicorp is a large financial institution, a large number of the company’s employees are employed in the call centers. The call centers provide customer service for credit cards. With deflation people are more conscious with spending and are more focused on paying down debt, without the consumer spending on his or her credit cards Citicorp is forced to reduce customer service jobs. References Harvey, J. (2011). Why do recessions happen? A practical guide to the business cycle. Retrieved from practical-guide-to-the-business-cycle/ on October 18, 2013. McConnell, C. (2009). Economics, principles, problems, and policies (18th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Company. National Center for Policy Analysis. (2001). Economic Problems of Deflation. Retrieved from on October 20, 2013. Bernanke, G. B. S. (2002). Deflation: Making Sure â€Å"It†Doesn’t Happen Here. The Federal Reserve Board. Retrieved from on October 20, 2013.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Issues in Multicultural Britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Issues in Multicultural Britain - Essay Example The conclusion of the Second World War in 1945 hastened a level of cultural interaction and immigration into many Western nations that had not previously been seen. Much of this immigration and increased cultural interaction was the result of the fact that tens of thousands of individuals were force to seek work elsewhere or move from the destroyed regions that they had previously lived. In his text ‘Multiculturalism: A Civic Idea’ Modood (2007) stresses the importance of education in shaping multiculturalism in the modern society. This paper examines the prospects of multiculturalism with the impending changes to the national curriculum. The need for change is contingent upon some of the issues that have been represented within England over the past few decades. Ultimately, the nation is experiencing something of a tribalized level of development; with certain ethnic, racial, or religious groups seemingly existing within the periphery of English life and not actively vi ewing themselves as a functional part of it. This creates a serious issue both for the society’s development and for the way in which multicultural can be effected or considered as an overall success. Within this understanding, stakeholders within government and education have determined that the most effective way of correcting this would be to focus a higher level of emphasis on engaging multicultural norms and forms of appreciation within the educational structure; as a means of integrating with the societal stakeholder as they are young and explaining the importance of this as a means of forming a more cohesive yet individualized nation. For a long time since it came to the fore in the 1940s, multiculturalism has been presented as a positive feature of national societies. Countries and even cities have proudly presented themselves as being multi-cultural or even metropolitan; this represents part of a wider ideology referred to as multiculturalism (UNESCO, 2003). During the past
Monday, August 12, 2019
RFP Correspondence management system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
RFP Correspondence management system - Essay Example Reducing the number of steps the correspondences/documents go through in their path till they reach their final destination. This should be fixed by creating a user friendly interface where many easy to identify icons are placed for the user to assign task and route documents for action. Saving time and effort through giving the ability to trace the correspondences/documents state in terms of knowing their location in the department(s), who is the person responsible to take actions against them, delays, bottleneck etc†¦ Create Adobe PDF files for archiving and auditing and send the files to a preferred location for easy access when required. It also maintains an audit trail at each phase of the material management process. Provide post go-live support for 3 year for system maintenance and administration. This is to ensure that the system is updated to tailor upcoming needs and errors unforeseen during system development are corrected. All bidders to provide list of staff of those will be working in the project and proposed organization chart. Bidder should provide CVs with the proposal for Project Manager and system architects, web designers and developers for DEWA review and approval. Bidders shall be responsible to ensure that their company, solution providers, developers, sub-contractors, and suppliersare capableto satisfactorily meet the project requirements. This shall be done prior to submitting proposal to DEWA. In making the selection, DEWA will not be bound to award the tender to the lowest bidder. DEWA will take into consideration the prices offered, features and technology offered, proposed designs, delivery dates, cost for training and maintenance or any other elements which could affect the final cost to DEWA and the suitability of the solution. DEWA reserves the right to request the bidders to arrange for a demonstration/trainingto better
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Recession of USA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Recession of USA - Research Paper Example The initial response included the criticism on the subprime mortgage crisis and how financial institutions exploited this market in order to book higher risks in the accounts. Subsequent discussions also included the failure of the regulatory bodies to have an effective check on the financial institutions and their behavior, role of fair value accounting as well as the greed and lust of financial institutions to focus on achieving short term profitability while ignoring the long term impacts of the same on the viability of the system. This paper will attempt to explore and understand as to what factors resulted in these crisis, how the crisis deepened, what was the initial response of the government, did it worked, how the policies of current administration are different from old and finally how does it measure to the short run and long run macroeconomics of the country. What caused the recession in US? A mild recession in US existed in early years of 2000s when US, after witnessing a decade of economic prosperity started to show the signs of economic recession. This recession however could not last longer as it only existed for less than a year. It is also important to note that such type of recession was also experienced by European Union and other developed countries also. This was however, considered as a natural reaction of the economy after reaching its peak in most of the developed countries including US. This was also a period when dot com bubble burst and top level corporate frauds and scandals started to emerge. During the early 2000 NASDAQ crashed due to the dot com bubble and FED also started to increase the interest rates. It is believed that the consistent and gradual increase in the interest rates by FED also contributed towards the creation of recession in the economy during early 2000s. (Ruddy, 2006) This was also a period of 9/11 when terrorist attacks on US resulted into the sharp decline in Dow Jones as well as its impact on different sector s of the economy specially airline industry. Further, US has to divert significant resources towards the war thus increasing the government expenditure. This recession however, was not as damaging as the recession which started to emerge during 2007 as a result of the financial crisis in the country. The current economic recession in the country is therefore a direct result of the financial crisis which started to emerge during 2007. The financial crisis in US started with the subprime mortgage crisis when the subprime mortgage holders started to default on their obligations. Subprime borrowers are those borrowers whose credit history is not good and they could not obtain the credit on normal terms and conditions. Due to their overall situation, they pose a greater risk therefore in order to lend them, it becomes imperative for the banks to charge them higher interest rates. Based on the risk and return criteria banks therefore started to lend to such borrowers in a bid to earn high er profitability while ignoring the risks associated with such borrowers. The issue however, became critical when the banks started to securitize their subprime mortgage portfolio and issued mortgage backed securities offering subprime mortgage portfolio as collateral. (BROOKS & SIMON, 2007). When subprime borrowers started to become delinquent on their obligat
Introduction; Vision, Mission, and Stakeholders Case Study
Introduction; Vision, Mission, and Stakeholders - Case Study Example A few years later Shultz bought the founders out and in 1992, Starbucks had grown to 150 stores across the Northwest and Midwest. Shultz took the company public raising over 25 million dollars. Starbucks' success was built on two things - the store experience (Starbucks' image) and the quality f its product. It really is a better cup f coffee the first one is so sacred that on Starbucks employees initiative the chain even prohibited smoking in its stores in Vienna, where cigarettes and coffee are inseparable, because Starbucks doesn't want anything to interfere with the seductive scent f fresh-brewed espresso. That's why top-management f Starbucks deeply believed that employees make the store that they work in. A Starbucks employee needed to be very knowledgeable, communicative, and helpful to the customers. Customers need to know the difference in the new roasted coffee Starbucks will offer. Well-educated employees will surely handle this requirement. Starbucks need to use powerful cultural motivations to drive the identification f opportunities. (Rae 2006) In Starbucks all employees are called "partners," signaling a level f responsibility maintained by few companies with sales in the billions f dollars. Anyone who has an idea uses a one-page form to pass it to the senior executive team--and gets a response. When the company pursues an idea, its author, regardless f tenure or title, is typically invited to join the launch team as a full-time member. New-style marketing organizations, by contrast, hire marketers not for jobs but for two broad kinds f roles: those f integrators and specialists. If communications are to be used effectively then there is a need to communicate aspects f the direction in which the organization intends moving and how it intends to achieve this. In other words, the business philosophy and its aims and objectives, often expressed formally through mission and vision statements, need to be communicated to particular audiences in a way that is synchronized and co-ordinated with the organization's other communication activities. In case f Starbucks mission sounds like this: "Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor f the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles as we grow". The development f the mission statement was the start f the company's marketing management initiative. Starbucks overall objective in the eye's f the leaders was defined. This mission does not want to jeopardize the quality, ambiance, or service due to expansion into a global marketplace. Besides writing a mission, Starbucks has outlined their guiding principles, which they follow in their business: 1. Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity; 2. Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way we do business; 3. Apply the highest standards f excellence to the purchasing, roasting, and fresh delivery f our coffee; 4. Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all f the time; 5. Contribute positively to our communities and our environment; 6. Recognize that profitability is essential to our future success. Starbucks chose the second one (Product Concept) and their success over the past 25 years has a lot to do with the quality f the product, which has attracted a loyal and growing following among consumers.
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