Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Discuss why food services are the most commonly outsourced function in the business Community
Discuss why food services are the most commonly outsourced function in the business Community Food services are the most commonly outsourced functions in the business community for several reasons. To start with, it is important to appreciate the fact that the preparation of food is a very involving task and if at all businesses are to provide their employees with nutritious and healthy meals, then they need to leave this work to professionals. In addition, once the business community has outsourced the food services function, it can now be able to concentrate on its core business activities.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss why food services are the most commonly outsourced function in the business Community specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This helps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business functions. Moreover, food service departments in organizations are required to adhere to various federal nutritional guidelines and because of the lack of professionals in the business community, bu sinesses risk failing to comply with these rules. This means that the business community can face prosecution by the federal government for violation of the rules. In order to avoid such problems, outsourcing becomes the most logical thing to do. Describe the advantages of outsourcing food services to a management Contractor When a business community decides to outsource its food services function to a management contractor, there are a number of benefits associated with such a decision. To start with, such a decision will more than likely reduce the operational costs of the business in question. This is because a lot of resources usually go to the process of acquiring, processing, preparing, and serving food. Such process requires money and when the company outsources these functions, it can save on some of these expenses. In addition, food services do not constitute a core process of a business community, unless it is in the hospitality industry. Therefore, the company is likely t o record improve efficiency in its operations because all the resources of the firm are directed towards achieving its core objectives. The business community is also likely to save on the money that would otherwise have been spent in the purchase of new food equipment, as well as in replacing other equipments. In this case, the outsourced company has to assume this new role. This also goes for the salaries and wages of the employees working at the food services department in a business entity. Once a management contractor has been tasked with the responsibility of providing food services functions to a business entity, he has to pay his own workforce. Therefore, the company is able to save on employee salaries. Explain the unique aspects of food service operations that drive these Advantages Unlike the production of other products, foodservice is characterized by certain unique characteristics and these can affect the decisions made regarding production and services. To start with, there are certain peak periods when the demand for food tends to be high (for example during lunch, supper, and breakfast).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In between the demand is somewhat erratic. Also, the demand for food can be affected by competitive events or time of the year and this can result in the modification of food production to suit the demand. We also need to note that food production is by and large, labor intensive, often requiring unskilled and skilled labour. At the same time, the perishable nature of food means that there is need to have professionals handling food during production, while preparing it, and during serving. A change in food production can also affect the menu planning. The aforementioned unique aspects of food service operations are therefore the driving force when a business entity decides to outsource the food services functi on to a management contractor and in the process, it can benefit from the associated advantages.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Legalization for an Ancient Plant argumtative essay essays
Legalization for an Ancient Plant argumtative essay essays Legalization for an Ancient Plant (Cannabis Sativa) Marijuana is a controlled substance that should be legalized for medical and recreational use by responsible adults. With the Marijuana proposition coming up on the November ballot for legalization of up to 3 ounces. If approved, could generate massive tax dollars for the state of Nevada. Legalization would also remove a great tax burden from the state for imprisoning and supporting marijuana offenders. Any discussion of marijuana should begin with the fact that there have been numerous official reports and studies, every one of which has concluded that marijuana poses no great risk to society and should decriminalized. (The National Academy of Sciences) "Analysis of Marijuana Policy"(1982) In this argumentative essay, I will discuss the history of marijuana, the effects of marijuana, the ways that marijuana could be utilized in the medical field, and will discuss the reasons that marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana is defined by (, as a strong smelling plants from whose dried leaves a number of euphoria causing and hallucinogenic effects. The synonyms for marijuana are marihuana, ganja, pot, grass, weed, dope, skunk, Mary Jane, and Cannabis Sativa. The plant has been grown for fiber and as a source of medicine for several thousand years. The first uses of cannabis as a medicine are believed to be as an antiseptic and analgesic. Over the years marijuana has been used to treat sore eyes, earaches, edema, inflammation, hemorrhoids, asthma, skin diseases, cholera, stimulate an appetite and even to ease the pains of labor. In the 20th century, the advancements in medicine have allowed doctors to find many more uses for this miracle plant. By isolating the active drug in the marijuana plant doctors have been able to synthesize this drug. Although they have found ways to replicate the drug, it has not been as productive as the smok...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Article Abstract 03 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Article Abstract 03 - Essay Example Selecting margin of victory as a determinant in deciphering fan satisfaction is considered as an important factor of the study which revealed negative value. The negative shows increase in the fan rating. The study had been focused upon measuring post-game fan satisfaction through ratings which is considered as an informal procedure in conducting the study. Many fans have different views regarding a match and these views can change if their team wins or loses a match. A match that has been won by a team which is supported by a fan would give highest ratings, whereas, the ratings from an opposite team fan would give alternate ratings which will create biasness. Therefore, a more precise and accurate procedure must have been adopted. The most important factor that has been missed out by authors is the inclusion of big players playing in the team at the time. After all, fans come out to watch their favorite players in the team and if those players are not included then it will engage less audience and create low
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
SWOT ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
SWOT ANALYSIS - Essay Example It I this form of integration that makes it competitive. Throughout its history, the company has enjoyed strong economic growth and constantly increasing cash flow (Baines, Fill, and Page, 230). This has enabled it to expand and command a wider share of the market. At one point in the market, research was ineffective with the company failing to anticipate the need for new products such as phablets. What resulted was late entrance into the market thus affecting sales and revenue. The lack of a wider price differentiation strategy makes the company appear to be a premium category company. This means that many people in the middle and low socioeconomic status disregard its products. Further, the company has overtime depended on revenue from only two products, iPad and iPhone. Most of Apple’s products have remained popular and relevant to many people. This means that the company can continue investing on the same products with the assurance of revenue. The growing technology industry increases the demand for electronic products constantly. The company is thus assured of progress. Lack of price differentiation strategy is detrimental to the company’s quest to get into a wider market. The company is outperformed by competitors such as Samsung on this and the demand for its products may shift when lower priced products are in the market. There is increased a need for innovativeness in the industry (Kurtz, 23). As long as the company enjoys revenue from only two of its products, innovation may be delayed and with time, the products will lose
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Little boy crying by Mervin Morris Essay Example for Free
Little boy crying by Mervin Morris Essay Mervin Morris writes Little boy crying making reference to the relationship between a kid and an adult, who in this case is his father. Throughout the poem different feelings and emotions are expressed, not only of the child but also of the man. The little boy turned his recently relaxed face into tight because of that quick slap struck his guilty father gave him. But despite the fact that the kid took his father as a grim giant because of hitting him, this mans intention was not to make him suffer of pain or anything like that; it was just an unwanted but necessary little punishment, perhaps for a prank or misbehaviour. In fact the father felt guilty and full of sorrow. Mervin introduces an allegory of a rather famous story called: Jack and the beanstalk. The child imagined his father as an ogre, who climbed a huge tree. He hates him. He imagined himself chopping clean the tree hes scrambling down or plotting deeper pits to trap him, as it happens in Jack and the beanstalk. The relationship between the three-year-old full of frustration child and the adult seems to be bursting of complications because the kid is quite capricious and the man has to punish him, so that he learns not to do whatever he wants without evaluating the consequences before. But he cannot understand, not yet how his easy tears affect his father who is wishing to curb boys sadness. Even though an ogre can punish you, you know that he loves you and that you have to learn the lessons from him, because you know, very deep inside, that ogre is your father. That last sentence can summaries the moral of the poem. This particular poem uses words to make the reader feel he or she is seeing it, or being part of it: the quick slap struck, this last sentence is composed of monosyllabic words that imitate the sound of the hit. Another example of this trying the reader to feel part of the poem is the use of the you; it is a kind of conversation between the writer and the reader. Other images that facilitate this process are made by the use of words or phrases suggesting movement or sound, like chopping and scrambling down. But in this poem is not all about the kid, and his feelings, the other character has a very important role. He has to pretend being something is not; behind that mask there is a man who suffers the situation more that the kid, but he has to be seen as a strict authority, as any parent must. This poem reflects nothing but the truth of an ordinary relationship between any father and his son during the growing and maturing process of the kid; but it does not end there: in the last paragraph, which is also the last line, there is a nine words long sentence emphasized by being left alone, that carries a moral in it: you must not make a plaything of the rain. This is a metaphor that could be translated as: you must not cry just because (the rain represents the tears).
Friday, November 15, 2019
Analysis of the Black Codes 1865-66 Essay -- Slavery, Inexpensive Labo
The Black Codes were legal statutes and constitutional amendments enacted by the ex Confederate states following the Civil War that sought to restrict the liberties of newly free slaves, to ensure a supply of inexpensive agricultural labor, and maintain a white dominated hierachy. (paragraph 1) In southern states, prior to the Civil War they enacted Slave Codes to regulate the institution of slavery. And northern non-slave holding states enacted laws to limit the black political power and social mobility. (paragraph 2) Black Codes were adopted after the Civil War and borrowed points from the antebellum slave laws as well as laws in the northern states used to regulate free blacks. (paragraph 3) Eventually, the Black Codes were extinguished when Radical Republican Reconstruction efforts began in 1866-67 along with the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment and civil rights legislation. The lives of the Black Codes did not have longevity but were significant. (paragraph 3) Although each ex-Confederate state enacted its own set of codes, all of them shard certain features such as they ...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Treasure Hunt, Pico Question
Title: Treasure Hunt Assignment ? Pico Question The PICO question used in this assignment is In adult patients with short term voiding problems, what is the effect of urethral catheter design compared with standard latex catheters on the rate of urinary tract infection? Define Systematic Review A systematic review is a scientific approach that combines results from a group of original research studies and looks at the studies as a whole (Nieswiadomy, 2012).Systematic reviews are pertinent for evidence-based practice (EBP) because it brings together research on the effectiveness of treatments or interventions and helps clinicians decide which treatments or approaches are supported by evidence (Nieswiadomy, 2012). Titles Found-First Search The following are five titles found: †¢Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections. †¢Methenamine hippurate for preventing urinary tract infections. †¢Cranberries for treating urinary tract infections. Prophylactic antibiotics to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections after urodynamic studies. †¢Routine neonatal circumcisions for the prevention of urinary tract infections in infancy. Systematic Review Found-Second Search The systematic review that was found on the second search that specifically answers the PICO question is Types of urethral catheters for management of short-term voiding problems in hospitalized adults by Katie Schumm and Thomas Lam. Summary of the Systematic ReviewDescribe how the systematic review applies to the PICO Question (1) The systematic review answers the PICO question in that it addresses risk and rate of urinary tract infections associated with types of indwelling catheters in adult hospitalized patients with short term voiding problems. Types of Studies Reviewed (2) Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialized Register of trials (May 24, 2010) was searched in addition to bibliographies of relevant articles.Catheter manufacture representatives were also contacted for tria ls (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). How the Review was conducted (3) Selection Criteria Selection criteria were compromised of all randomized and quasi-randomized trials that compared types of indwelling urinary catheters for short-term use in hospitalized adults (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Data collection Data collected was reviewed and then independently verified by a second reviewer (Schumm & Lamm, 2008).Clarifications were sought and disagreements were resolved as described in the Cochrane Handbook (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Subjects Twenty three trials were conducted. Those meeting criteria were 5,246 hospitalized adults in parallel groups trials and 27,878 adults in one large cluster-randomized cross-over trial (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). Important Terms Defined and Significance (4,5) Urinary catheters were defined as â€Å"small tubes inserted through the urethra (outlet for urine)†(Schumm & Lamm, 2008).The review further states that urinary catheters are used short term post-surgery or to m onitor urine output in hospitalized patients (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). It is important to define this term because it is a main component of the subject of study. Also, defining a term in a systematic review provides clarity and a clear-cut definition of the subject for those not familiar with medical terminology. Studies Reviewed (6) Full access to this review is restricted without a membership.The abstract and information cited by is accessible for free. From what can be gathered, thirteen different studies were reviewed for this systematic review. Primary Recommendation and Significance (7,8) What this review concluded is that antiseptic or antibiotic coated urinary catheters might reduce the presence bacteriuria of hospitalized adults, and that siliconized catheters might cause the least side effects in men (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). However the review stated the evidence was weak.It suggested that more rigorous trials are needed to make a valid conclusion as to if antibiotic or antise ptic coated urinary catheters reduce the rate of urinary tract infections (Schumm & Lamm, 2008). This conclusion is important to nursing care because it addresses some possible interventions/treatments to reduce the most common hospital acquired infection which ultimately leads to providing excellent patient care to promote and abstain optimal health.If further research does conclude that antibiotic or antiseptic coated urinary catheters are effective at reducing the rate of urinary tract infections, health care has yet advanced another step in resolving the huge of issue nosocomial-acquired infections. References Nieswiadomy, R. M. (2012). Foundation of Nursing Resarch (6th ed. ). Boston: Pearson. Schumm K. , Lam, B. L. (2008). Types of urethral catheters for management of short-term voiding problems in hospitalized adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008 (2). DOI: 10. 1002/14651858. CD004013. pub3 ?
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Equality Diversity And Inclusion Essay
Promote equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting 1 understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion. 1.1 Explain what is meant by diversity, equality and inclusion. Diversity – The concepts of diversity it embrace’s acceptance and respect it means understanding that each individual is different and unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of: see more:explain how to promote anti-discriminatory practice in your work with pupils Race Ethnicity Gender Sexual orientation Socio-economic status Age Physical abilities Religious beliefs Political beliefs Discrimination is about creating a fairer society where everybody will be to participate and has an opportunity to fulfil their potential, individual and group diversity needs to be considered in order to ensure that everybody’s needs and requirements are understood, and responded to e.g. development of flexibility in working practices and services. Another example of diversity in a setting were you have children of different culture, race or religion etc, is where by you teach and encourage the children to respect and embrace differences from other people in a positive way regardless of how they look or talk, and you as a practitioner need to respect the children and their families as well of the different backgrounds. Equality – in the workplace it takes on the same meaning as it does in your everyday life. It is defined as treating people the same as each other, regardless of their differences and to be held in the same esteem as someone else. An example is that men should not be paid more than women solely because they are male, or white people should not be paid more than no whites because of their race. The differences could go on because of different judgemental factors such as not being worthy as their counterparts in the workplace. Inclusion – the term ‘inclusion’ means the act of including one another and no one is treat differently. Inclusion values diversity meaning no will be left out it also places individuals at the centre planning and support, the right of every child, infant or his/her family. Also their ability to participate in a range of activities and contexts. The desired results of inclusive experiences for children or elderly with or without disabilities and their families include a sense of belonging. 1.2 describe the potential effects of discrimination. There are different ways in which discrimination takes place these could be: Direct discrimination Indirect discrimination Victimisation There are also different bases of discrimination such as: culture disability age social class gender sexuality health status family status Every one of these reasons of discrimination is used by individuals and groups within society to exclude others from life’s chances. There are different effects on people depending why they are being discriminated against. People who are discriminated against can experience short or long term effects, in the short term effects people may feel anger and loss of their self-esteem. In the long-term effects they may be further reaching such as detrimental employment prospects or a lack of motivation. The effects are therefore to fold an effect on the individual themselves, and on their place and status as a whole. These affects have been recognised and there are now a number of laws in place which deal with equal rights for every one there’s loads of different emotions people can feel if being discriminated against these could be: Scared Anxious Low self-esteem Feeling isolated Upset Feel like and outcast Depression Nervous Low confidence Passive or aggressive behaviour Disempowerment Restricted opportunities 1.3 explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity Inclusive practice means to include people from all backgrounds, race and ethnicities and age etc therefore it supports equality and diversity as it includes every one and treating them fairly. As everyone is included all people are equally level, with no judgment passed on because of their age, sex, race or sexual orientation etc, therefore this promotes equality. In the case of providing health or social care to a person, every one receives the same care and treatment or in the case of employment/staff, decisions whether or not to employ/promote them based soley on their skills and ability to do their job. There are many laws in place to legislations in place so that service users and health care professionals, have basic guidelines that must be followed so that it promotes all three of equality, diversity and inclusion therefore every ones treated equally these legislations include: Sex discrimination act Mental health act The children act Race relations (amendment) act Human rights act Data protection act nursing and residential care homes regulations
Friday, November 8, 2019
“Im a huge fan of self-publishing††By Lit. Agent David Fugate
â€Å"Im a huge fan of self-publishing†- By Lit. Agent David Fugate â€Å"I'm a huge fan of self-publishing†- An interview with literary agent David Fugate You know we like to bring you some of publishing's most forward-thinking voices here on the Reedsy blog. This interview is one we've been meaning to do for a while, so you won't be disappointed†¦Ã‚ David Fugate is the founder of LaunchBooks Literary Agency. He had worked as a literary agent for 20 years before setting it up, and now represents renowned authors such as Andy Weir (author of The Martian), Scott Berkun (previously interviewed on this blog), or Chris Guillebeau. He has successfully represented a wide range of fiction and nonfiction projects to more than 40 different publishers that have generated in excess of $20 Million for their authors.If you’re still unsure of what an agent can do for you and whether they’re compatible with self-publishing; or if you’re just curious about the current publishing landscape, this is a must-read.Hi David. We’re honored to have you on the Reedsy blog today. You have started your own agency b ecause "you knew exactly what kind of books you wanted to work on". What's been the biggest challenge in "starting from scratch"?Thanks very much for having me. This August will actually make it 10 years since I founded LaunchBooks and so many incredible things have happened in that time that it almost feels like anything before LaunchBooks was another lifetime at this point.There were plenty of challenges in the beginning, though. When I left my previous agency to found LaunchBooks in 2006, I left with nothing. The way that agency was set up, the authors were technically clients of the agency, not my clients. That meant when I left I had no residual income, no clients, and no guarantee that any of my clients would want to come with me to LaunchBooks.I also left with the plan to radically change my focus from what had predominantly been computer and technology titles to a much broader range of trade nonfiction and eventually fiction. That meant some clients who did want to come with me wouldn't be a fit for what I was trying to do at LaunchBooks, which was as tough personally as it was professionally.The goal was to focus only on projects I found personally compelling. My thinking was that with no one looking over my shoulder at quarterly numbers, I'd take on what I loved and let the chips fall where they may. If it worked, great, and we succeeded together. If it failed, then my author and I both failed working on something we really cared about. "The goal was to focus only on projects I found personally compelling." @LaunchBooks Of course, all of that meant I had to really hit the ground running to find new authors and projects to represent. And since publishing money can be slow money, that meant lighting a lot of money on fire that first year while I started developing projects and getting things going. That part was thrilling, but also scary.Luckily for me, things have worked out better than I could've imagined back then and after what will now be ten years of consecutive growth, my only regret in founding LaunchBooks is that I didn't do it sooner. I really love what I do and I've been fortunate to work with some truly incredible authors.When you first approached Andy Weir about the Martian, he told you he didn't need an agent. What did you do to change his mind?I'd like to say that I made some kind of grand, persuasive argument, but it was simple, really. I told Andy it wouldn't cost him anything to let me give it a shot. I don't make any money until my author gets paid and I made it clear that if he was n't blown away by whatever deal I brought to him, he could pass and continue self-publishing the book. It's hard to beat zero risk and free.I also don't think Andy had a real sense of the kind of deal (and publisher) I was talking about, so when Julian Pavia over at Random House was as excited about the book as I thought he'd be, and when I presented the terms to Andy, he was thrilled to take it. Thankfully, I think everyone is happy that he did (even Matt Damon and Ridley Scott).You have been one of the first agents to embrace self-publishing as a valid publishing option for authors. The first ever author you represented, Ingrid Croce, has actually been successfully self-publishing since she got the rights back to her book. Now, for LaunchBooks you consider proposals from authors who are self-published and are looking for print and/or foreign rights deals?I'm a huge fan of self-publishing (in all its myriad forms) and what it has done for both authors and readers. I think it's amaz ing that it's no longer a question of if your work will be published, but how. I also find it tremendously gratifying to know that if what you're doing is good, you absolutely will have an opportunity to find an audience for it. It just feels like a much more hopeful, positive environment in which to be a writer. In fact, I often tell writers that now is the best time, in the entire history of the written word, to be a writer. "Now is the best time, in the entire history of the written word, to be a writer." @LaunchBooks I even self-published my own book, The Unconventional Guide to Book Publishing. Well, I say self-published, but it was actually published by Chris Guillebeau, who I also represent. So he's both my client and my publisher. How fun is that?Many of the authors I work with - including some of my biggest selling authors - either started out self-publishing, or still self-publish certain works as part of their overall strategy. That includes NYT bestselling authors like Andy Weir, Chris Guillebeau, DJ Molles, and many others.That said, I don't typically look for projects to pick up just for print or foreign rights. I'll, of course, consider anything, as every situation is different, but my focus is finding those authors I can pitch to the major publishers and help take their careers to an entirely different level.A question I often get from authors is whether by self-publishing digitally they kill any chance of the book being really really successful in print later (if picked up by a pub lisher). What's your take on it?Oh, I don't think it does at all. A quick check of Publishers Marketplace shows more than 400 deals in their database for books that were initially self-published, and that trend will only get stronger. And of course, some truly major books - The Martian, included! - started out life as self-published books. Publishers Marketplace shows more than 400 deals for books that were initially self-published. When a self-published book does well, it can not only help your chances of getting the book picked up by a major publisher - if that's what you want - it can also put you in line to receive a much bigger deal than you would have otherwise.Where it can be problematic is if you self-publish a book and it doesn't sell well. At that point there's really not much you can do because publishers' responses will essentially be "The market has spoken." When it comes to self-published books, publishers only bet on success, which makes sense when you think about it. "When it comes to self-published books, publishers only bet on success." @LaunchBooks So my advice for anyone who wants to self-publish first is: do it well. And if you're unsure about whether you want to traditionally publish or self-publish my advice is often to try traditional publishing first. If you approach it the right way, you can figure out very quickly if it will work with a traditional publisher. And if not, you can always self-publish and all you've lost is a little time.However, for anyone who wants to self-publish their book first, the key is to make sure you really go for it. Don't just put it out there and hope that readers will somehow discover it. Have a marketing plan and pursue it with more of an entrepreneurial mindset. That can be difficult for some authors, but given the amount of noise out in the market, if you want to really give your work a chance to do well, you have to do what it takes to let readers know it's out there.When I read your fiction "submissions" section, I personally thought "I'd like to read every fiction work this agent repre sents". I wish you had an email list I could subscribe to. That led me to thinking: don't you think there is currently a lost opportunity for agents in building actual reader-facing brands?I'm not sure about that. I tend to think that any time I'd have to spend working to develop a reader facing brand of my own - and we could be talking about quite a bit of time there - would be better spent working on behalf of my authors. After all, it's not about me. It's about the authors I work with.I even find it a little uncomfortable when people want to congratulate me on books I've worked on, whether it's The $100 Startup, The Martian, The Remaining, The Fold, Ghost in the Wires, or any of the books I've been involved with. I'll often respond with something like, "Thanks, but I didn't write a word of it." "Yea," they'll say, laughing a little, "but you helped make it happen." That's true, but it's also true that none of my authors' books are successful simply because I represented them. T hey're successful because the author wrote a book that readers loved and told others about. And that's the result of the months and sometimes years of hard work their authors poured into them.And just thinking about it at a higher level, does anyone outside of Hollywood know who represents Robert Downey, Jr? What about Scarlett Johansson, Chris Pratt, or Matthew McConaughey (all awesome, by the way)? People inside publishing might know who represents George R.R. Martin, Stephen King, or Haruki Murakami, but do any readers? I doubt many would and I also think that's the way it should be.As long as I know that having me involved in the project is a net benefit for my authors then I'm happy. Let the authors have recognition from readers. They're the ones who deserve it. "Let the authors have the recognition from readers. They're the ones who deserve it." @LaunchBooks You can visit the LaunchBooks website here, and follow David on Twitter here.Would you agree that "now is the best time to be a writer"? How do you see the role of the agent changing in the next few years? Let us know your thoughts, or any questions for David, in the comments below!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Ways to Get Back on Track After the Holidays
5 Ways to Get Back on Track After the Holidays It’s the first workday in January. You’re back at your desk after a rough back-to-normal commute, and you may even be a wee bit hungover from New Year’s shenanigans (we don’t judge). Your office will be back to business-as-usual, which means you need to be too. Here are some ways to make that transition from Holiday You back to Everyday You with minimal stress and fuss. 1. Don’t expect to go full-throttle at 9 a.m.Remember, many of your officemates will be in the same situation, easing back to normal after travel or down time. It’s likely that no one is interested in a 9 a.m. meeting or expects you to have everything sorted and addressed right away. Before you even get to work, think about what you want to accomplish that first day back. Pick one or two main goals for your day. If you have standard daily tasks, give yourself a little more time to do those so that you can get used to the routine again.2. Do some triage before you dive in.Inste ad of responding to emails in the order they came in while you were out, dig through your inbox first. Urgent, red-exclamation-point emails should get priority of course, but after that figure out what needs to be addressed right now versus items that can wait until later in the day (or even tomorrow). This way you’ll get some control over your day, instead of being a slave to the inbox.3. Schedule some breaks.Even if it’s five minutes to grab a coffee or just to take a quick walk, make sure you’ve given yourself the opportunity to take breathers. Don’t tether yourself to your desk for eight hours. If possible (and it’s not too cold), step outside for some fresh air, especially around lunchtime.4. Bring a snack.This might sound a little juvenile, but it’s just as valid for adults as for kids. If your workplace is anything like mine, the place has been full of candy and holiday treats for the past month. Now that the holidays are over, the of fice will likely go back to being a sad, candy-less place. Yet your brain and your body may have become conditioned to get treats at various points during the day, so bringing a small snack to keep at your desk can help calm those expectations of goodies. Double bonus points if you pack something healthy.5. Try to leave on time.Unless there’s a very specific project or reason to stay beyond your normal work hours, peace out on time- especially on the first few days back. This can help you mentally reset your routine. Plus, it sets a boundary for the upcoming year, especially if work-life balance was one of your resolutions.The first day back can be a challenge. Remember that you’re not alone, and there are things you can do to make it easier on yourself. There’s no need to be a hero on day one. After all, it’s a long way until the next big holiday weekend! Aiming for â€Å"calm and productive†is a solid start to 2016.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
To what extent has Global Civil Society impacted on the behaviour of Essay
To what extent has Global Civil Society impacted on the behaviour of states in post-Cold War era - Essay Example Globalization has been an important issue ever since the Cold War ended. The countries and their international relations have been modified because of globalization. The world has become a global civil society where limitations are not territorial. Historically, a civil society was limited to territories or nations. But in the post-cold war era, there have been many events which led to the beginning of the global civil society. This paper will assess the history of the global civil society and state sovereignty. Many things and systems have changed in the world ever since the Cold War ended and the globalization emerged. These systems have a great impact on the political and economic framework of the society. This paper will outline the current position of the global society and the era that we are living in, what has been the effect of the Cold War, and how far has globalization affected the behavior of the states in the post-cold war era. The Post-Cold War Era: The post-cold war er a is marked as the period in history when the Soviet Union was lapsed. Globalization has been an important aspect of this era due to the commercialization of internet and growth of mobiles. Cultural relativism and postmodernism has replaced the modernism ideology. The post-cold war era is still existing in the present and by far United States has emerged as the most powerful nation, and Chine emerged as a growing superpower from a third world weak country. This era has also marked the emergence of Europe as a powerful economy. Another main concern of this era is environmentalism and global warming as observed recycling has also become common in many places (Tickner, 2013, p. 36). Globalization and its affects: Globalization exists greatly in today’s world and no matter it is good or bad; it is going to have long term effects in the world. Globalization is the attempt made to remove all barriers for international trade. Globalization has existed in the world since a long time and it aims to eliminate the barriers of communication, trade and cultural exchange. Globalization comes with the theory of worldwide openness and promoting the wealth of all countries forming a Global Civil Society. The United States had started to pay attention to globalization in 1993 during the post cold war era. The United States had been greatly isolated until the World War II which had changed the American feelings. Franklin D. Roosevelt was an internationalist who saw that a similar institute like League of Nations would prevent a third world war. The creation of the United Nations was confirmed after the war of three leaders; Britain’s Winston Churchill, FDR, and Soviet Union’s Josef Stalin. United Nations started with 51 members in 1945, and today there are about 193. The headquarters are in New York and they focus on international laws, human rights, dispute resolution, and recognition of new nations (Hoffman, 1998, p. 223). The Cold War between the Soviet U nion and the United States divided the world in two parts, the allies of the U.S.S.R. or of the U.S. The United States had promoted trade and culture exchange by their influence on other nations, and also offered them foreign aid. This kept many nations in the sphere of the U.S. and clear alternatives were offered for the Communist system. Moreover, U.S. carried out free trade with all its allies during the War. When the Soviet Union finally collapsed in 1991, free trade continued to be promoted by the
Friday, November 1, 2019
US aiding other countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
US aiding other countries - Essay Example Before we begin to discuss the negative consequences of aid, it is important to examine some of the good aspects, in order to dismiss them in the larger scheme of things. First, there are many current instances where the US has gone far in providing relief to the suffering countries. The US military worked harder than that of any other nation in aiding Pakistan to combat the flood disaster which the country has faced recently (Ignatius). An amount of almost $362 million has been spent by the helping nation which has saved over 20,000 flood victims in Pakistan (Ignatius). Indeed, our current president is a big supporter of this style of friendly aid. These are all positive aspects of American foreign policy and are heartwarming. It often goes to help people who are truly in need. This is the good side of aid which everyone supports. But this is far from representing the true aspect of aid which we must face if we are fully understand how negative aid can be on a developing country. In deed, this positive aspect is a kind of mask which aid wears in order to hide its negative side. The truth is that much foreign aid is wasted. The best examples of this can be found in Africa. Africa is certainly one of the world’s wealthiest continents. It has large amounts of oil, timber, and precious metals. Its people are very intelligent and hardworking. Countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, and Nigeria have so many resources that it is logical for them to have powerful, vibrant economies. Really, these countries should be the richest in the world. However, this is not the case. All three of these countries have problems with corruption. And their situation is not unique: many African countries rate very high on Transparency International’s list of the world’s most corrupt countries. This is a sad but true fact. Many experts agree that corruption is holding Africa back. But where does corruption come from and
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