Monday, May 25, 2020
Francis Drake Essay - 1792 Words
The year was 1575, Queen Elizabeth I summoned a seasoned mariner by the name of Francis Drake for a meeting that was deeply shrouded in secrecy. Details regarding this meeting were kept from the public eye for many years, until well after the death of Francis Drake. This rendezvous was so secret, the Queen specifically ordered Drake to keep this secret from even one of her most trusted advisor, Lord Treasurer Burghley. The Queen commanded that no one involved discuss the specifics with anyone on pain of death. Bawlf, the author of The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, provides an in-depth account of what happened on that mysterious voyage as well as the precedent events and the aftermath. The 400-page book recounts the life and death†¦show more content†¦The author tells the story in such a way to resemble a captain’s logbook on a seafaring vessel. Each new section begins in italics, which makes the reader believe that they are reading Drake’s personal log. As a person reads this book, they are made to feel like they are reviewing a captain’s log of their journey. Bawlf includes excerpts from letters the players involved. Letters from Drake, his crewmembers, the Queen, and even his prisoners are included to paint a complete picture of Drake’s voyage. For a journey that was supposed to be so secret, people sure had a lot to write. Letters from the most obscure individuals are included. One such letter is one from Magistrate Gaspar de Vargis, which was sent by courier to another town, Oaxaca, in effort to warn them of a corsair who was raiding coastal towns. That corsair, of course, was Francis Drake. The varied nature of the origins of the letters that the author includes serves to reinforce the idea that Bawlf went to great lengths to research his topic and to make sure that both sides were represented. The first part of the book covers Drake’s early maritime career as he served under Captain John Hawkins. They spe nt most of their time raiding Spanish settlements in the Caribean Sea while trading slaves from Africa to local towns. They acted under the protection of Elizabeth I, with Letters of Marque, which legitimatized their activities, making them privateers as opposed to pirates.Show MoreRelatedSir Francis Drake706 Words  | 3 PagesSir Francis Drake Sir Francis Drake was an English sailor, one of the most famous of the Elizabethan era. Known mostly for being the first Englishman to circle the world between 1577 and 1578, and for helping to defeat the Spanish Armada, Sir Francis Drake was a very important man in history. No birth record exists for Sir Francis Drake, but he was believed to have been born in 1541. Born in Tavistock, England, in a cottage made of tree branches, Drake was the oldest of his eleven brothersRead MoreBiography on Sir Francis Drake948 Words  | 4 PagesFrancis Drake was born in 1542 in Devonshire, England. He loves the water and can always find himself going back to it over the years. Drake was the oldest of twelve children. Sir Francis Drake’s father was Edmund Drake and his mother was Mary Mlyaye Drake. His father worked as a farmer on the land of Lord Frances Russell. Francis Drake was named after his father’s employer which was also Drake’s god father. Drake married his first wife, Mary Newman in 1569. After twelve years of marriageRead MoreEssay on Sir Francis Drake518 Words  | 3 PagesSir Francis Drake Sir Francis Drake is known for Englands defeat of the Spanish Armada. He was a sea dog and he sailed around the world. Drake was actually the first one to sail around the world since Magellan died in his journey. Drake was a sea dog during the reign of Queen Elizabeth the first. And as everyone knows this is a good time to be a sea dog because the queen highly supported them. She gave him money and ships to raid the Spanish shipping. Drake was the most feared sea dogRead More The Life and Accomplishments of Sir Francis Drake Essay3752 Words  | 16 Pagesof Sir Francis Drake The British Empire was a World dominant force throughout the 17th, 18th, and 19th century, but if it wasn’t for the naval defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, the British might have never settled what would be the United States. And the person we have to thank is none other than Sir Francis Drake, a common man whose rise from a small country town, to the mighty dragon that the Spanish feared, was the most brilliant Captain during the Elizabethan Era. Sir Francis Drake’sRead MoreSir Francis Drake: A Look into His Early Life Essay835 Words  | 4 PagesSir Francis Drake: A Look into His Early Life Many scholars around the world know that Ferdinand Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the world, but few people know that Sir Francis Drake was the first to circumnavigate the world and live to tell the tale afterwards (Campbell 207). In order to complete such expeditions of circumnavigating the world, Sir Francis Drake had to learn special talents and task before embarking on his expeditions. He was given the opportunity by his mother to go learnRead MoreSir Francis Drake : A Man Who Inspired All Of England1111 Words  | 5 PagesSir Francis Drake, an Englishman, was a bold sailor who inspired all of England on his expeditions. Drake was a hero in England who was called â€Å"El Draque†, which meant â€Å"the dragon†, in Spain. Spain hated Drake because he was a big threat. Drake was most famous for his successful circumnavigation around the world. In the circumnavigation, he found many riches and spices which made him even more famous and crowned a knight by Queen Elizabeth. He proved that he was more than a famous sailor, he wasRead MoreElizabethan Pirates Essay1092 Words  | 5 Pages they accomplished very large feats. If they hadn’t worked together, winning the war would have been extremely difficult. The teamwork of the privateers is what intimidated the King of Spain and allowed them to severely damage the Armada (Sir Francis Drake). The unity of the privateers with the Royal English Navy also had a large impact on the war. If England was to win, teamwork between the Navy and the privateers was very important. If they hadn’t gotten along, several battles could have been lostRead MoreThe Golden Age of Piracy Essay example1197 Words  | 5 Pagespolitical and economic status. Piracy was well established in the West Indies, before the English started to colonize the New World. France was the first nation to employ corsairs to raid Spanish holdings in the Caribbean during the wars between Francis the 1st and Charles V. France and other nations such as England would hire privateers by offering them commissions in their navy; or giving them letters of marque, which was state authorization to seize enemy ships and goods. England had a longRead MoreKing Philip II Of Spain1631 Words  | 7 Pageshe had, had enough of how Elizabeth was ruling and thought that it was his duty as King to do what was right, and take Elizabeth and her army down. During this time period, Spain was the wealthiest country. In September 1580, Sir Francis Drake made numerous attacks on Spanish treasure while coming back from the New World. He returned with a cargo of Spanish gold on the galleons, which was worth 1.5 million ducats that he raided from other galleons in the New World. Elizabeth had supportedRead MoreThe Spanish Armada By William Shakespeare1319 Words  | 6 PagesMary’s death and he had, had enough of how Elizabeth was ruling and thought that it was his duty as King to do what was right and take Elizabeth and her army down. During this time period, Spain was the wealthiest country. In September 1580, Sir Francis Drake made numerous attacks on Spanish treasure while coming back from the New World. He returned with a cargo of Spanish gold on the galleons, which was worth 1.5 million ducats that he raided from other galleons in the New World. Elizabeth had supported
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Analysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein - 1421 Words
The classic works of Emily Bronte and Mary Shelley are both classified as gothic era fiction novels. Before reading them, the two novels seem to be polar opposites. While there are many differences, there are also a handful of similarities throughout both novels. Bronte and Shelley both use setting, revenge, and the role of women to highlight gothic elements of the era. The setting in both novels brings a deeper meaning to the scene. The authors use weather to create tones for the scenes. For example, storms can create a sense of anger or confusion, whereas sunlight may generate a sense of happiness. Both novels are set in a cold, dreary time, adding to the theme of isolation throughout each. In Frankenstein, the reader is first†¦show more content†¦The theme of revenge plays a big role in both novels. In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff seeks revenge because of other’s actions against him. However, in Frankenstein, the monster seeks revenge because of the way he looks and how others perceive him. While the characters in both novels seek revenge for different reasons, they have one thing in common. Their need for revenge ultimately stems from not being able to have what they want, leaving them alone and isolated. Revenge is one of the most prominent themes in Wuthering Heights. At times throughout the novel, it seems to overpower the theme of love. Heathcliff’s desire for revenge arises from Catherine’s betrayal. He has been in love with her for a long time, and she loves him. However, she betrays him and marries Edgar for his money. This action leaves Heathcliff alone and isolated, only to long for her love again. I seek no revenge on you, that s not the plan. The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don t turn against him; they crush those beneath them (Bronte, p. 103). This quote shows that Heathcliff is not trying to get revenge on Catherine. Although she turned against him, he cannot do the same to her. â€Å"I m trying to settle how I shall pay Hindley back. I don t care how long I wait, if I can only do it at last. I hope he will not die before I do!†(Bronte p. 54). When he cannot have the woman he loves, he turns his attention to revenging Hindley, his childhoodShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein1411 Words  | 6 PagesIn the early 1800s Mary Shelley set pen to a paper and started to develop a novel that little to her knowledge would become world renowned. In 1818 she finished and published the novel to sell to the European public. The novel caught the world off guard in the way that a female was able to write about such harsh, dark, and evil things in a European society whose autho rs like John Locke and Charles Montesquieu preached enlightenment, self exploration, and individualism all in an optimistic enablingRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein1615 Words  | 7 Pagesa whole and how accurate a depiction they might think it to be, they will miss out on many of the qualities of the painting that reside below the immediately apparent surface level. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a text dedicated to expounding upon the dangers of such superficial analysis. In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley openly condemns the surface level and appearance oriented methodology under which the human mind operates. The very protagonist of the novel is inspired solely by reputation and howRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1758 Words  | 8 PagesFrankenstein was published over 200 years ago. Ever since it was published, it has been one of the most famous books known to literature. Staff states that this book, by 21-year-old Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, is frequently called the world’s first science fiction novel ( Staff). According to Wikipedia, Shelley was an English novelist. She was born August 30th, 1797. She died on February 1st, 1951 (Wikipedia). Shelley came up with the idea of Frankenstein as she andRead MoreBiblical Analysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1376 Words  | 6 PagesLiterature 16 November 2015 Biblical Analysis: Frankenstein Frankenstein by Mary Shelley often refers to the bible on a number of occasions. However, it is worth noting that many references used by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein can often be identified in Genesis. Much like Genesis, the story of Frankenstein is a viable creation story. The book of Genesis first explains the creation of man and woman, and also recounts the fall of humanity. Unlike Genesis, Frankenstein begins with the fall of humanityRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein And Frankenstein1410 Words  | 6 Pagescompassion and sympathy through the love of a person whom cares very deeply about them. In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the three main characters Robert Walton, Victor Frankenstein and Frankenstein (The Monster) are shown throughout the story, longing and in search for a companion. Throughout the story, the characters struggle with the battle of wanting either sympathy or compassion from a person or both. Mary Shelley shows the true indication of Human Nature by showing the importance of sympathy andRead MoreAnalysis of Mary Shelley ´s Frankenstein991 Words  | 4 Pagesalive. If it can learn, eventually speak, or came about because of another, it’s a person. The Creature of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is no exception. Victor’s creation needs nourishment, education, and morals, which should be provided by it’s creator, it’s parent, just like any other child. The way that needs of an individual are met shapes the outcome of their life. In her novel, Shelley demonstrates this impact that parents have on their child’s life through the contrasting upbringing of VictorRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1701 Words  | 7 Pages Frankenstein is a novel that is practically devoid of any female presence, yet author Mary Shelley pens a story that is lush with portrayals of feminine ideology. Throughout the course of this novel, the audience is introduced to three different female characters. The first is Elizabeth Lavenza Victor Frankenstein’s wife. She is presented as a passive and weak woman who embodies the traditional role of women in the 19th century. Caroline Beaufort is present in the novel, but her role is limitedRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1038 Words  | 5 PagesAlexi Torres English III Dr. W.W. Allman December 1, 2015 Frankenstein In Mary Shelley’s, Frankenstein, she shows that good people can turn evil, but are not born this way. Humans being rude and isolating someone can make a person go insane and do things they are not proud of. Shelley shows this through the creature that Frankenstein creates and gives examples showing his evilness, but also shows that the creature tries to explain many times that he wants a friend and cannot find one becauseRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1088 Words  | 5 PagesCreature’s Argument In the novel, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, the Creature s only need is for a female companion, which he asks Victor Frankenstein his maker to create. Shelley shows the argument between the creature and Frankenstein. The creature says: I demand a creature of another sex, but as hideous as myself (Shelley 139). Shelley shows what the creature wants from Frankenstein and what his needs are. Shelley gives us an idea of the sympathy that Frankenstein might feel for the creature evenRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 843 Words  | 4 PagesThe Wretch Frankenstein is a novel written by English author Mary Shelley about a peculiar scientist named Victor Frankenstein. Victor, who is a scientist endeavoring to make history, engenders a monstrous but attentive creature in an eccentric scientific experiment. The monster that he engenders faces abnegation and fear from his creator and society. The monster is the worst kind of scientific experiment gone awry. The creature has compassion for society but additionally wants to take revenge on
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personal Narrative My Transformation from a Non-Believer...
I have long believed that God was a tale, a story, a Santa Claus or maybe worse, that he did not even exist. Now, I have drastically changed my mind and I strongly believe that He exists, guides, helps, and cares for those who have followed and supported him. By believe I mean, to accept as true or real, to credit with veracity, to expect or suppose, to have firm confidence, to have trust, and overall, to have faith, something special and unique which make us free. That is the way as believe in Him now†¦ I know that the fact of believing is something personal, very personal, and nobody can confirm or verify God ´s existence, even science, but from my point of view, He is real. His son, Jesus Christ came to earth to save us. That fact is†¦show more content†¦As a teenager, I was a little bit rebelious and things didn’t work out very well. I was expelled from 3 schools, my relationship with my parents was non-existant, and we were arguing constantly, my girlfrien d of four years left me, and I thought that God wasn’t; I was anti-religious. I thought that he was obligated to help me, but I was mistaken. I was not feeling happy, or free or full. I almost wanted to end my life, as I felt myself absolutely empty. I felt that something was missing inside me. At that time, my grandmother was dying because of a horrible illness that had been accompanying her for years, multiple sclerosis. On her last day of life I went to the hospital to stay all night long with her, and we had an unforgettable chat. I still remember ourselves in that uncomfortable hospital bed speaking about life. She gave me a golden medal of Jesus that she was wearing. She told me that she had never removed that medal in her life, that it was very special for her. She knew that I was not going trough a good moment, and told me that my solution was to trust God, to speak with Him, to open my heart. That God loves everyone who believes and cares of him. She said me to trust him, just to try. So I went to the church that night to speak with Him. I went because of her, and especially, because of me, because it seemed that God was my last resource to feel free and new. My grandmother died that nightShow MoreRelatedEssay On The 10-00 World2098 Words  | 9 Pages00:00 World, my contention is this, my contention is that the first 20 eight chapters are just that the first twenty eight chapters of a narrative that is ongoing, that is dynamic, that is being written by God with us, each one of us, and in the cast of characters. Now were all approaching a season of reflection and preparation to be gone to particular people in obedience to Christ. Wednesday, well have the opportunity to one at 8:00 in the morning, come here for the voluntary impositionRead MoreBiblical Authority in Christian Ethics3592 Words  | 15 PagesHowever, â€Å"My Bible tells me that Good Friday comes before Easter,†1 and the cross is not a piece of jewelry you wea r but something you die on. But when I am honest, the idea of lowering my blood pressure often captures the depth of my Christian longing. These words capture my casual faith against Christ’s explicit call to the Christianâ€â€a sacrificial call that shatters my fragile delusion, namely that I am a wonderful Christian who actually grants real authority to the Bible in shaping my life. InRead MoreThe Doctrine Of The Trinity9485 Words  | 38 Pagesidentity of God, the nature of Christian community, the salvation history and our understanding of Christology. This is the mystery of the Trinity – how is the Godhead fully three persons, and yet one nature? Theophilus was the first to name the ‘triad’ nature of God in his letter To Autolycus in 170 A.D. Tertullian was the first to offer terminology to describe this mystery in Against Praxeas claiming â€Å"the Trinity†involved three ‘persons’ of one substance. This theology emerged from the BiblicalRead MoreMarketing Management 14th Edition Test Bank Kotler Test Bank173911 Words  | 696 Pagesmanner. D) It is defined as the field that deals with planning and managing a business at the highest level of corporate hierarchy. E) It occurs when at least one party to a potential exchange thinks about the means of achieving desired responses from other parties. Answer: E Page Ref: 5 Objective: 2 Difficulty: Moderate 4) A social definition of marketing says ________. A) effective marketing requires companies to remove intermediaries to achieve a closer connection with direct consumers Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Arun Ice-Cream free essay sample
Arun ice-cream Chandramohan started its business into ice-creams from a small room in 1970 next to his uncle’s textile shop. As it was situated in a busy market place and delivering the customer’s fresh ice-cream from the factory Arun banged the profit of 40,000 in the first year of its business. Than Chandramohan though an expansion and for Arun he went for three fold expansion. Eventually the business began stagnant where expansion increased cost with sales not increasing in the ice cream. Arum ice-cream was unable to meet the expenses t Chandramohan used Me-Too tactics for not losing the brand Arun. With no knowledge of books regarding the business strategy and having learnt every move of the business in a hard way he thought of joining the Davar’s college an institution offering specialized short duration programme h for working executive courses. He pursued into marketing and personnel management. Coming back with a degree from Davar’s college he was also confident and ready with the bunch of ideas to implement into the business and studying the customers he implemented the cold-chain model. We will write a custom essay sample on Arun Ice-Cream or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Where he saw the big brands like joy and kwality not targeting the college canteen where there was a huge market to make a product a brand name. He started with IIT Madras and went on signing contracts from different places. He accepted the JIT concept and started earning profit from that Arun tried to also capture the interior market of TN and few ports like Pondicherry, Madurai, Kumbakonam and Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu. He started advertising Arun ice-cream through hoardings and banners. Where he introduced Sit and eat the novel method where it increased the popularity of Arun. From 1981 replicating the model by opening two new franchises without a clue that Chandramohan has started the franchises business for Arun he distributed its product through franchises. He also incepted the concept of exclusive parlours. which increased the turnover from 1, 50,000 to 4, 25,000by 1981 and to about 28. 0 million by 1990. He thought that without inward and outward logistics the ice-cream business will not be a success and with that thought he started a spanking new ice-cream plant at Salem some 320 km south west of Madras. Than in 1987 he started sales promotion activity the first promotion activity was 1 eat all you can ice-cream mela. 2 slow speed driving competition. 3 phone and have an ice-cream. In 1986 a pvt. Ltd co. Hasten milk food pvt ltd overtook Arun ice-cream where the ice-cream market was shaken by the giant firm like HUL where they overtook BBIL and even a large market that hindered he ice-cream market. According to me the company can adopt the following steps: * Increasing its distribution- expanding business in the central and west zone * Go for advertisements via different means of communication (media)
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